Describe effect of the issue/topic on client and community

Assignment Help Public Economics
Reference no: EM131237661

Health promotion project on Family violence prevention ( 5 pages and 8 references within last 5 years and scholarly writing.)

From the Healthy People 2020 website: (Links to an external site.)

1. Choose one of the HHS Prevention strategies that is of interest to you and relevant to advance practice nursing

o Provide a brief overview of the mission of the program.
o Define the community or population being targeted.

2. Define the health promotion/ wellness topic: include background & clinical significance

o Describe the effect of the issue/topic on the client & community.
o Describe the effect of the issue/topic on the health care system as a whole.

3. Explain (in detail) program goals/interventions

o How are the goals carried out?
o What organizations are involved in the program?
o Most of the programs have a whitepaper in pdf form that can be downloaded from the site.

4. Evidence-based literature to support the intervention / program

o Find literature to support the need for the program.
o A minimum of 3 peer-reviewed sources.
o Not more than 5 years old, with the exception of a landmark study.

5. Assessment of resources

o What resources are currently available?
o Is there adequate access to the resources?

6. Barriers to change / implementation

7. Summary

APA format is required - 6th edition.

Reference no: EM131237661

Questions Cloud

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Describe effect of the issue/topic on client and community : Describe the effect of the issue/topic on the client & community. Describe the effect of the issue/topic on the health care system as a whole.
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Complete the gross domestic product worksheet : Complete the Gross Domestic Product worksheet. To access the Gross Domestic Product data required in the worksheet from the government website.


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