Reference no: EM132482609
Question 1. Energy is essential for the economic growth of country. Justify the statement.
Question 2. Give the classification of energy in different types with example. Discuss the utility and drawback of hydrogen energy.
Question 3. What is nuclear energy? Give its advantages and disadvantages.
Question 4. Write short note on - i. Solar water heating ii. Solar Cooker iii. Solar drying.
Question 5. What is sustainable environment? Energy and environment are essential for sustainable development" comment on the statement.
Question 6. Describe Ecosystem with Diagram. Explain Desert ecosystem with example.
Question 7. Comment on the statement An ecosystem with large population is not healthy "
Question 8. Write short note on Food Chain and Food Web.
Question 9. How energy is flow in Ecosystem ?
Question 10. Describe forest ecosystem with diagram.
Question 11. Write short note on Bio-diversity, discuss its values.What are the major factors responsible for the loss of genetic biodiversity,
Question 12. Explain the terms- Endemic & Exotic species & Endangered animals.
Question 13. What are In-situ and Ex-situ conservation of Biodiversity.
Question 14. Mentions the benefits of biodiversity.
Question 15. What is noise pollution? What are its units ? and what are the effect of noise pollution?
Question 16. The ecological impact of acid rain is quite serious. Comments.
Question 17. Discuss salient features of The Environmental Protection Act.1986
Question 18. What is the role of individual in prevention of pollution.