Reference no: EM131919497
Economics Assignment: Policy Frameworks and Markets
Assignment Task
Students will form teams consisting of 3 - 4 members each and analyse the topic below.
Words Purpose: To develop your ability to analyse contemporary issues from an economics point of view and to develop collaborative work skills.
Firms such as Uber, Airbnb, Foodora etc. are all part of what is known as the "sharing economy", which is a generic term that describes economic and social activities that take place online. Such firms have had an enormous impact on traditional marketplaces, representing both opportunities and threats to society and the economy as a whole.
Your Group's task is to choose a company in Australia that is part of the sharing economy, and describe its economic impacts, both good and bad, utilising basic economic theories.
Key areas you may wish to focus upon (but not limited to) are:
a) Impact on competition and prices
b) impact on employment opportunities
c) Impact on resource allocation
d) Impact on wages.