Describe each of the seven social media platforms

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Reference no: EM133205381

Assignment - Social Media Marketing Research Paper

Write a three to five (3-5) page paper in which you:

1. Describe each of the seven (7) social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedln, Youtube) that have been covered in this course from a social media marketer's perspective, included, but not limited to, the type of platform, primary users, industries the platform works best with, how it can be used, and any other items you found interesting about each platform. Note: If you use someone else's material, data, and/or words, you must cite and reference the source of the data.

2. List at least two (2) things you have learned about each platform and discuss why you found them interesting and what they mean to you as a social media marketer.

3. Identify which platform is your favorite from a social media marketer's perspective, and list at least two (2) reasons for your choice.

4. Use at least two (2) academic resources as quantitative marketing research to determine the feasibility of your product / service. These resources should be industry specific and relate to your chosen product / service. Note: Wikipedia and other websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Reference no: EM133205381

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Describe each of the seven social media platforms : Describe each of the seven (7) social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedln, Youtube) that have been covered
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Analyze the behaviors you observed : Analyze the behaviors you observed to determine how consumers progressed through the consumer behavior process while in different aisles


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