Describe each database being compared

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13325129

Task 1

Your task in this assignment is to design, implement, test and document the basis of a simple online employment service using HTML, CSS, PHP, Smarty, and SQLite.


The goal of the assignment is to design, implement, test and document a simple database-backed Web application that models part of a simple online employment service. The application should allow employers to:

post descriptions of jobs they are offering delete descriptions of jobs they are offering. It should allow users to:

browse the jobs being offered search for all jobs in a given industry Each employer (an organisation) should have:

a unique id

a unique name

an industry (e.g., education, government, information technology,manufacturing, mining, retail)

a brief description.

Each job should have

a unique id

a reference to the organisation offering the job (there is a one-many relationship between organisations and jobs)
a title
a brief description
a location
an annual salary

Task 2

You are required to compare database technologies, and provide recommendation for what is the most suitable database for a job seeking website which could have millions of users. The scope of this comparison should include two relational databases: e.g. SQLite, MySQL, Oracle, or Derby. You should briefly describe each database being compared. Then compare the databases based on their scalability functionality, and interoperability. Finally, make your recommendation based on yo comparison.

Write no more than 600 words in a HTML document for this task.

Note: in a Masters level course, you are required to demonstrate independent learning.

Reference no: EM13325129

Questions Cloud

Calculate value of each investment based on require rate : Complete the Mini Case on page 254 and submit to instructor. In parts "a" to "d," clearly label the calculation of the required ratios and solve using Excel. Use formulas to calculate the ratios and format the cells to insert a comma if there is more..
How many electrons need to leave each object : Two spherical objects with a mass of 5.35 kg each are placed at a distance of 2.35 m apart. How many electrons need to leave each object
Explain how many grams of hydrochloric acid in solution : How many grams of hydrochloric acid are in 500.0 mL of a 5.000 M solution? 1. 36.50 g 2. 54.75 g 3. 73.01 g 4. 91.25 g
Evaluate the number of grams of sucrose : Calculate the number of grams of sucrose (C12H22O11) needed to prepare 0.500 L of a 1.00 M sucrose solution. 1. 85.5 g 2. 171 g 3. 342 g 4. 684 g
Describe each database being compared : You should briefly describe each database being compared. Then compare the databases based on their scalability functionality, and interoperability. Finally, make your recommendation based on yo comparison.
Compute moles of cuso4 solid : Explain how to prepare 0.250 L of a 0.500 M CuSO4 solution. 1. Measure out 0.500 moles of CuSO4 solid 2. Measure out 20.0 g of CuSO4 solid 3. Measure out 0.500 moles of CuSO4 solid and add water until a volume of 1.0 L is reached 4
State the balanced total ionic equation : Write the balanced total ionic equation and the net ionic equation (including phase labels) for the reaction between HCl(aq) and NaOH(aq).
How much time elapses before the compass hits the ground : A hot-air balloon is rising upward with a constant speed of 2.68 m/s. When the balloon is 5.62 m above the ground, How much time elapses before the compass hits the ground
Explain sodium chloride aqueous solution contains : What total volume of a 2.25M sodium chloride aqueous solution contains 0.45 moles of sodium chloride ? *1.0 L *2.3 L * 0.20 L *0.020 L *0.045 L


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