Describe do you feel the advantages using todays technology

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131841763

International Marketing

We live in an era where social networks and other instant technology can influence international affairs, change governmental policies, or influence the decisions of billions of people.

The exponential growth of the Internet and other new technologies presents numerous opportunities (or advantages) for today's international marketer; but what are the threats (challenges) that marketers will face? Review the APCO Worldwide. (Producer). (2012).

The future of marketing [Video file][01 min 50 sec].

•After reflecting on the evolution of technology, as it applies to international marketing, describe whether or not you feel the advantages of using today's technology outweigh its disadvantages. Support your opinion.

•As new technology changes what we know about marketing, will standard international marketing strategies be viable in the short-term or long-term future? Explain your reasons.

Reference no: EM131841763

Questions Cloud

Understanding of different historical and philosophical : The purpose of this discussion assignment is to reflect upon your understanding of different historical and philosophical approaches to the self.
What motivates you and how do you motivate others : Interview a project manager: 1. What motivates you? How do you motivate others? 2. How do you handle change?
Explain what traditionalist conservatives think : Explain what traditionalist conservatives think about traditions. Give one reason for thinking traditionalists are correct.
Develop extensive set of experiments to test running times : Develop an extensive set of experiments to test the running times of these algorithms using randomly generated graphs.
Describe do you feel the advantages using todays technology : Describe whether or not you feel the advantages of using today's technology outweigh its disadvantages. Support your opinion.
Rights on the basis of a religious reason : Liberals, of the kind we are discussing this semester, hold that it would be wrong for anyone to go into a voting booth and vote to limit other citizens.
What is the responsibility of the law in preventing harm : What is the responsibility of the law in preventing harm to oneself (laws requiring seat belt use, prohibiting drug use, etc.) and upholding
Explain a solving a problem and making a decision : You are a conductor on a train. A woman gets on without a ticket. You tell her that the fare is $2, plus $1 for not buying a ticket at the station.
Articulate a position responding to the mind-body problem : In this Discussion Board, students will attempt to articulate a position responding to the mind-body problem.


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