Describe different types of diagnostic methods

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133598030


1. Describe the different types of diagnostic methods utilized to identify possibility of cancer. Explain the numeric and Tumor, Node, Metastasized (TNM) method of staging of cancer after the confirmed diagnosis.

2. Describe at least three complications of cancer, the side effects of treatment, and methods to lessen physical and psychological effects.

3. Discuss what factors contribute to the yearly incidence and mortality rates of various cancers in Americans.

4. Explain what the American Cancer Society (ACS) might provide for education and support. What ACS services could a nurse recommend for these patients and why?

5. Explain how the nursing process is utilized to provide safe and effective care for cancer patients across the life span. Your explanation should include how each of the five phases of the nursing process demonstrate the delivery of holistic and patient-focused care.

6. How does an interdisciplinary research approach (which includes liberal arts, science studies, mathematics, social and physical sciences), build on the foundational nursing knowledge related to cancer research?

Reference no: EM133598030

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