Describe death as a man waiting in a carriage

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133719819

Assignment - Interpreting The Death of the Moth

Question 1. This essay was published in 1942. It is considered a memorable and everlasting piece of writing. Why is this piece considered indelible? Be sure to include the following information in your response.

Why is the use of stream of consciousness important to the overall message of the essay? Would the essay be as memorable if it had been written in a different style?
What human experience is the moth's death a metaphor for? Why can human readers relate to the death of a moth?
Would the essay be as memorable if Woolf had not employed the use of literary devices? Which devices did she use and how did they affect the quality of the essay?

Question 2. In an organized paragraph, interpret the meaning of the essay and infer Woolf's purpose for writing this essay.
Make sure to include the following information in your paragraph.
Analyze the thoughts of the speaker. What are her thoughts toward the moth, life, and death?
Why does the speaker spend so much time thinking about the moth?
Given what you've learned about Woolf's life, what do you think her purpose was for writing this essay?

Question 3. This story depicts the narrator's journey from life into death, using personification to accomplish this goal. To show your comprehension of this poem, compose your own short work (rhyming is not necessary),in which you chronicle someone's journey into life.
Be sure to include the following:
A description of life as a person
At least three things you see on your journey

Question 4. Why do you think Dickinson chose to describe death as a man waiting in a carriage? Give at least two justifications. Do you think there is another character that would have been a better choice? Justify your answer as to why or why not.

Reference no: EM133719819

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