Describe current risks threats and vulnerabilities

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM133780600

Assignment: Web Security


You are the Information Security Manager for a medium-sized retail organization. Organizational success is based on your customers being able to purchase items securely through the company's website. Employees regularly make purchases without following company procedures.

You have been asked to assess if there are any company vulnerabilities that may impact purchases and come up with security recommendations that may minimize any website risks, threats, and vulnerabilities.


Write a paper that includes the following:

1. A description of three major risks, three threats, and three vulnerabilities that are of web hacking concerns for any security professional.

2. Compare and contrast best practices you would recommend to mitigate these web application risks, threats, and vulnerabilities.

3. Keep in mind; your assessment is being assessed on your ability to describe current risks, threats, and vulnerabilities in the retail industry in accordance with security goals. Use diagrams, where appropriate.

Reference no: EM133780600

Questions Cloud

What should the nurse do to assure best practice : What should the nurse do to assure best practice decision making occurs for this patient
How will you be able to evaluate whether : How will you be able to evaluate whether or not this outcome was met? Discuss how using this process of evaluation will allow you to evaluate whether
Discuss how using this process of evaluation : Discuss how using this process of evaluation will allow you to evaluate whether your project made a difference in practice.
Explain barths position on the immanent trinity : Explain Barth's position on the Immanent Trinity and then compare that to the views of Kaufman, McFague, LaCugna, and Johnson. Thank you.
Describe current risks threats and vulnerabilities : Describe current risks, threats, and vulnerabilities in the retail industry in accordance with security goals. Use diagrams, where appropriate.
End-of-life care for muslim patients in the hospital setting : Critically appraise barriers and facilitators to quality improvement and service enhancement to ensure high quality service provision and improve patient
Which one is not attribute of strong safety culture : Which one is not an attribute of a strong safety culture? Which one is not an attribute of a strong safety culture?
What teaching does your patient need when getting ready : What teaching does your patient need when getting ready to start taking the medication Carbidopa? Explain it like you are talking to your patient
Analyse the role of the nurse to prioritise : Analyse the role of the nurse to prioritise, delegate, and supervise nursing care and motivate the care team; service improvement on end-of-life care


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