Describe computer controlled enemies and how they function

Assignment Help Computer Graphics
Reference no: EM13974769

Instructions :

1. Your Game will have the following characteristics

a. A Gameplay screen where the main game occurs. The background will "scroll" in one direction only. (GUI, Functionality)

b. Player control of an Avatar (a vehicle or character) - use the standard keys (WASD) for player movement (GUI, Functionality).

c. Computer control (simple AI) of the enemies. The enemies should be abundant enough to challenge the player but not be impossible to beat. (GUI, Functionality)

d. Random placement of items to collect and/or obstacles to pass through or over - this will generate points for the player (GUI, Functionality)

e. A Scoring system - ensure that the player's score is accurately calculated and displayed somewhere on the Gameplay screen (GUI, Functionality).

f. The player must have a life counter or health status that decreases each time his avatar collides with an enemy (GUI, Functionality)

g. Add sound effects for collisions with enemies and collecting points (GUI, Functionality).

2. Include Internal Documentation for your program (Internal Documentation):

a. Ensure you include a program header for each module of your game that indicates: the Source file name, Author's name, Last Modified by, Date last Modified, Program description, Revision History (Internal Documentation).

b. Ensure you include a header for all of your classes and methods (Internal Documentation

c. Ensure your program uses contextual variable names that help make the program human-readable (Internal Documentation).

d. Ensure you include inline comments that describe elements of your GUI Design for your 2D game (Internal Documentation)

3. Include External Documentation for your program that includes (External Documentation):

a. A company Logo (External Documentation).

b. Table of Contents ( External Documentation).

c. Version History - ensure you include details for each version of your code ( External Documentation).

d. Detailed Game Description - describing how your game works (External Documentation).

e. Controls (External Documentation).

f. Interface Sketch - this section should include wireframes of each of your game screens with appropriate labels (External Documentation)

g. Screen Descriptions - Include at least 3 screen shots for your game: 1 for your Start State, 1 for your Gameplay State and 1 for your Game-End State ( External Documentation).

h. Characters / Vehicles - Describe the character's Avatar (External Documentation).

i. Enemies - Describe the computer controlled enemies and how they function (External Documentation).

j. Scoring - Describe how the player can score and how the score is calculated (External Documentation).

k. Sound Index - Include an index of all your sound clips (External Documentation).

l. Art / Multimedia Index - Include examples of your image assets. Each image should be displayed as a thumbnail (External Documentation).
Your submission should include:

1. An external document (MS Word or PDF).

2. A zip archive of your complete project files or link to the project files on GitHub or BitBucket (preferred).
Please zip all files in to a single project archive.

External code (e.g. from the internet or other sources) can be used for student submissions within the following parameters:

1. The code source (i.e. where you got the code and who wrote it) must be cited in your internal documentation.

2. It encompasses a maximum of 10% of your code (any more will be considered cheating).

3. You must understand any code you use and include documentation (comments) around the code that explains its function.

4. You must get written approval from me via email.

Reference no: EM13974769

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