Reference no: EM133560601 , Length: Words Count:400
We have been so profoundly affected by the Covid-19 virus and pandemic. So it is certainly worthy of intellectual investigation.
Please watch the videos (below) in this unit and read the articles (below). Then, in a response of approximately 200 to 400 words, please explain the following and respond clearly to each individual question:
1) Describe how climate change redistributed tree and wild animal species, which helped SARS-COV-2 to emerge
2) Name three main causes/drivers of deforestation
3) Describe how deforestation leads to humans contracting novel (new) viruses from wild animals
4) Describe how CAFOs (concentrated animal feeding operations) are perfect vectors for viruses and pandemics
Strong theory of how recent Corona virus started)
Theory of How Corona virus pandemic was caused)
(Causes of deforestation)
How deforestation potentiates pandemics)
Animal agriculture and disease vectors)
Animal agriculture and disease)
(Influence of Climate Change on Covid pandemic)