Describe case analysis of research articles

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Reference no: EM1323805

Describe Case Analysis of Research Articles


Can you help me find a study for this and get me started? I need approx. 900-1000 words with 4 references.

Research and Case Analysis

This consists of 10-12 pages in which the group analyzes a recently published business research study (a group choice) selected from the academic literature. The analysis should be framed against each and every one of the steps presented in the Sekaran & Bougie (2010) research process and founded on the skills developed in previous assignments of this course.
The analysis itself should be a comparative assessment of how well the author (or authors) of the selected research have fulfilled (or not) each of the steps and sub-steps presented in figure 4.1 of the textbook.

The focus of the analysis should be on the research process, not as much on the research content itself. Be careful not to paraphrase what the author(s) has already stated in the published research. Again the analysis should be on assessing the adherence to the research process. Look at not only each step (and sub steps) but also how each step serves as a "stepping stone" for the next step. The interrelationships among the steps are also relevant to the analysis.

The specific published research selected for the project should be between 15-25 pages in length (please note: this is the scholarly article that your team will be critiquing), recently published (2003 or better) and contain the basic components of a formal research project (a literature review, statement of the problem, hypothesis or hypotheses, data collected and analyzed to test the stated hypothesis, etc.), preferably of a business related topic. The study can be quantitative, qualitative or mixed.

Scholarly Databases may be accessed in the Library. Suggestions are:

ABI Inform Global

Academic Search Premier

Business Source Premier


400-500 words and 3 references

You have been asked to speak on the topic of the impact of organizational culture on decision making to a group of executives. In a five to seven paragraph speech, discuss the following:

1. The impact of organizational culture on the decisions that would have to be made for your company.

2. What happens when an organization changes its strategy? Support your answers with specific examples.

3. What happens when two organizations with different cultures merge?

4. Support your answer with actual examples

Reference no: EM1323805

Questions Cloud

Sequestration and small businesses : Do you agree with the article? Finally what affect do you think this will have on the SBA? How would it affect the business in your plan? Discuss.
Explain online grocers : Explain Online Grocers and What are the advantages and disadvantages of the online grocers
Explain organization cost accounting systems : Organization cost accounting systems - The analysis in organization cost for promoting a systematc framework that utilizes accounting methods to achieve finanical goals.
Brain-behavior relationships and prefrontal cortex : Deficits related with lesions of the Prefrontal cortex ranging from the minor lesions to more extensive lesions.
Describe case analysis of research articles : Describe Case Analysis of Research Articles and What happens when two organizations with different cultures merge
Handle the changes required by adopting a new system : How do you prepare employees to handle the changes required by adopting a new system? How would you handle numerous requests for change to a system that has just been implemented?
Selling process of business : You bring up some good points. Let's look at one of your points on when to sell the business. There're some who believe that you sell at top while others believe you sell while you're moving on the upswing.
Explanation of autonomic nervous system : Explain the Autonomic Nervous System. Comprise all the specifics of each and comprise the pre and postganglionic neurotransmitters and the function of each one.
Information mobilization and deployment : Information networks as "enterprise glue": information mobilization and deployment - To what degree should organizations depend on the analysis of large databases and other IT resources to formulate basic strategy?


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