Describe capabilities and functionality of given software

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Reference no: EM131504640

Assignment: Data Warehouse Design Scholarly

This assignment calls for you to provide a substantive response (3-5 pages) to a set of questions directed to data warehouse and ETL design.

Each question: (a) calls for demonstration of higher levels of cognition (i.e. analysis, synthesis, and evaluation), (b) is complex in nature, and (c) requires a clear and concise, explicit expository response. The formulation of your response should follow a logical presentation (e.g. introduction, analysis & discussion, and summary & conclusion(s)), be developed with strong referential integrity to academic sources, and strictly follow APA guidelines.

The assignment will be graded on structure, content, and format (APA).

Scholarly Response 1: Data Warehouse Design-

Bill Inmon and Ralph Kimball are considered two of leading authorities in data warehouse research. Compare and contrast each approach to data warehouse design and implementation. Be sure to include the major guidelines for each paradigm. Also, research data warehouse best practices and provide critical success factors in implementing a data warehouse solution.

Scholarly Response 2: ETL Tools-

Research a vendor ETL tool, such as Informatica PowerCenter or IBM's DataStage. Describe the capabilities and functionality of that software. Be sure to include how the tool is used to perform ETL processing and provide your evaluation of the software. What are some capabilities that you would look for to ensure the vendor tool can adequately handle ETL processing and interoperate within your enterprise architecture? Research market trends in the ETL tool market and include this in your research paper.

Lastly, provide pros and cons of implementing vendor ETL tools versus building a custom ETL tool.

Reference no: EM131504640

Questions Cloud

New technology to improve manufacturing performance : David West has been working on a new technology to improve manufacturing performance.
George hw bush gulf war address : Although most of this speech focuses on Iraq and Kuwait, what domestic issues does President Bush also address?
What is the purpose of tranching in securitization : What is the purpose of tranching in securitization? I know it means setting different levels of priority to the bonds.
Which is risker local investment or international investment : Should young investor with little wealth invest in risky assets? Which is risker, Local investment or international investment ?
Describe capabilities and functionality of given software : Describe the capabilities and functionality of that software. How the tool is used to perform ETL processing and provide your evaluation of the software.
Who will you be in this debate : To participate in the debate, you need to research both positions. The required work will help you. Who will you be in this debate?
Size members if standard sizes of steel i-beams are used : The frame shown in the accompanying figure is used to support the load given in the figure.
Strengths and weaknesses of all three approaches : To explain your answer, compare and contrast their political philosophies and the strengths and weaknesses of all three approaches.
How much is in your account : Your wealthy uncle established a $ 1,000 bank account for you when you were born. How much is in your account?


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