Reference no: EM132950406
Key Business Problem(s) :
Hotels and other businesses using revenue management must learn to effectively manage nonyieldable business such as group bookings. Have you considered the importance of nonyieldable business in your planning?
Describe a key business problem related to nonyieldable business . Include in your description any aspects of the problem that could be related to how you make group-business decisions, how you calculate minimum group rates and forecasts, and when you make group-business decisions.
Strategies : Identify the strategies that are directly relevant to your business problem. Note those strategies here in your action plan.
Steps : Identify the steps you will take to put those strategies into action.
1. List each step you will take to put those strategies into action.
2. For each, describe what you will do personally.
3. Also describe what others on your team will need to do.
Identify a timeline for implementation.
1. What will you (or your team) do in the next month?
2. What will you have completed over the next quarter?
How are you going to measure your results or demonstrate that your solution has had a positive impact? Outline your measurement strategies here.