Describe buddha as a both a rebel saint and a physician

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Reference no: EM133637223

Smith describes the Buddha as a both a rebel saint and a "physician." He is seen as a "rebel" because he breaks away from some of the religious beliefs that defined his early life and are characteristic of the Hindu world. Smith proposes that the Buddha is like a physician because he takes the experience of suffering seriously, proposes that their is cause of this suffering, and that there is a way to relieve this suffering. The analogy has its strengths and its limitations and you are asked to reflect on these as your prepare your journal for this week.

Please use material from Smith, Novak and the Rodger's essay on Nursing and Buddhism as you develop your thoughts for this assignment. If the Buddha is to be seen as a physician, then what is the illness that he is attempting to treat? Might this tradition offer any insights to those who are pursuing a path of wellness and healing in our own world today? If not, then what might be some of the complications that arise when traditions are brought into dialogue with modern medicine and science?

Reference no: EM133637223

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