Describe briefly how the organizations mission connects

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Reference no: EM132074507

Researching Cultural Challenges

Case Study Scenario:

You have been hired by XYZ University as a consultant. They want you to evaluate an organization to see if a service learning opportunity would benefit future students and the community. Your initial recommendation is due in week 5 and will be based on the research you collect in your first four assignments.


Last week you described community partnerships and volunteers within your organization. You also discussed the benefits of service learning for students and communities.

Your task this week is to expand your research to cultural challenges, humanitarian considers, and roadblocks faced by the organization.

XYZ University has required you to find at least three peer-reviewed articles in the EBSCO library to support your research this week. EBSCO tutorial.

You will turn in a 2-3 pages paper following APA guidelines. Click here for the web version of the APA sample paper. Click here for a downloadable version of the APA sample paper.


Complete the following steps.

Step 1: Introduction - Provide a quick introduction to the organization you have chosen. Briefly describe the population that the organization seeks to serve.

Describe briefly how the organization's mission connects to what the organization does to help these populations. Briefly describe what the organization does to serve these populations. Provide at least one citation from a peer-reviewed article to support your claims in this section.

Step 2: Humanitarian Considerations - Describe the challenges the populations served by the organization face in our current society. Based on research and specific evidence, does the organization engages in "charity" work or "solidarity" work?

What specifically could the organization do differently to engage more fully in "solidarity" work? Provide at least one citation from a peer-reviewed article to support your claims in this section.

Step 3: Cultural Challenges - What challenges might students have in engaging with the unique and diverse populations served by the organization?

Based on your research, how might students overcome these issues? How might the university support students in overcoming these challenges? Provide at least one citation from a peer-reviewed article to support your claims in this section.

Step 4: Roadblocks - What potential liabilities could exist by having students of the XYZ University participate with service learning and the organization?

Has the organization had any issues in the past that might reflect poorly on the University? What risks might the student face by participating in service learning with the organization? How are these liabilities and issues related to the diverse cultural populations served by the organization? Provide at least one citation from a peer-reviewed article to support your claims in this section.

Step 5: Conclusion - What cultural conflicts are likely to occur if a student participates in service learning at this organization? How might cultural issues or disagreements between the student, the organization, and the diverse populations the organization serves be resolved?

How can the University support these resolutions? What are the potential risks to the university? Provide at least one citation from a peer-reviewed article to support your claims in this section.

Step 6: References - On a separate reference page, list all the references you have cited in your paper to support your claims.

Reference no: EM132074507

Questions Cloud

Create working strategic plan : Look for credible sources that explain how all of these abstract terms fit together to create a working strategic plan.
Differences between being leader and being manager : The Plucknette article suggests that there are considerable differences between being a leader and being a manager.
Explain the buyer decision process : Explain the buyer decision process and why understanding this process is important to marketers.
Differentiate between restitution and compensation : Discuss the relationship between Sections 39, 64 and 65. Is any difference between putting an end to the contract and rescinding from it?
Describe briefly how the organizations mission connects : XYZ University has required you to find at least three peer-reviewed articles in the EBSCO library to support your research this week. EBSCO tutorial.
Partner to plan and host a workshop on leadership : Imagine you are working with a partner to plan and host a workshop on leadership. There will be 100 people attending. Review the following optional articles
Describe international epistemic community : Ethical scientific researchers have a commitment to all who are touched by their research. Describe an international epistemic community and then choose one.
Global supply chain management and international logistics : Answer the following questions from Global Supply Chain Management and International Logistics, Alan E. Branch
Review comments on patient care : The first step to gaining the support and funding with your idea to improve patient care is to perform research and be prepared.


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