Describe briefly each five steps of the planning process

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Reference no: EM131209847

Management Assignment

Question 1

Consider the following scenario:

As the management team of a busy call center for a health care organization, you note that the volume of calls has doubled over the past year. Although you do not have the budget to hire additional staff, you do have an additional $20,000 to spend on your department to improve efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word essay, using the five step planning process that describes how your team might improve efficiency and customer service in your department by focusing on teamwork. Address the following in your team's proposal:

• Describe briefly each of the five steps of the planning process
• Identify how each of the steps will be applied in the given situation. Give specific examples.
• Explain why teams are essential to health care
• Outline how teams are used in other industries (examples might be aviation, auto racing, and the military.. or any other industry)
• Determine how teamwork lessons from other industries might be applied to the health care industry

Question 2

Workplace trends within and outside health care require employees to connect with an ever-widening array of coworkers, consultants, off-site employees, and other resources. Sharing knowledge is critical to any organization's success, especially in the health care industry.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you address the following:

• Which organizational model best describes your organization or an organization with which you are familiar? The most common organizational models (or structures) are functional, divisional, service line, matrix, or horizontal. Use the organization you currently work for, one you have worked for in the past, or a health care organization in your area. Describe how your organization fits that model.

• Describe how your organization currently shares knowledge (communicates). Identify several methods used for communication in the organization.

• Identify ways that the organization involves employees in formulating solutions to problems

• List and explain two or three techniques for communicating that have been most effective for sharing information and ideas

• Identify two or three techniques that proved to be ineffective (or don't work well) for communication.

• Explain how technology might affect the communication/knowledge sharing process

Question 3

Write a 700-1050 word paper in which you address the effects of organizational structure on communication regarding the following scenario:

You are a manager of a large rehabilitation center that provides short-term care rehabilitation services on an inpatient and outpatient basis. Your center is proposing a new addition of long-term care services and you must develop a plan for the organization to communicate during and after the expansion. Address the following points in your response:

• What are appropriate communication methods for managers within this organization?

• What is the importance of these communication methods within this organizational structure?

• What internal relationships must be considered? Identify the relationships that need to be developed within the organization.

• What external relationships must be considered? Describe the relationships that your organization will need to develop with outside individuals, groups, or organizations.

Format paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Question 1

Consider the following scenario:

Within your organization, upper management has decided that your team's department must be downsized, and it is up to each team manager to begin preparing his or her team for the changes. One of the changes to be addressed involves motivational techniques. As team, you must research and understand various motivational methods to lead and implement change within your area.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which your team discusses the motivational methods you would use when introducing such a significant change to your organization. Address the following:

• Which three motivational methods would you as a manager apply? Explain the methods using the theoretical concepts from your reading. Use three of the theories in chapter 3 of your reading.

• Describe how each of the motivational methods would be applied specifically to the situation AFTER the downsizing has happened (NOT to determine who should be downsized or before the downsizing). Give specific examples of how you will implement the method/theory in your newly downsized department.

Question 2

Submit an annotated bibliography containing at least six references to be used in the Organizational Structure Presentation due in Week 5. These can and should be references you have used in the previous assignments as well as those to support your final presentation. Do not use a dictionary of any sort as a reference.

• Briefly summarize the resource so that you will know what is contained in the resource when you complete your final presentation Summary alone should be 75-125 words.

• Specifically identify the key objective(s) that you will use each resource to address for the final presentation.

o THESE ARE THE OBJECTIVES for your final presentation:

- The effects of organizational structure on communication.
- Identify communication methods for managers within this organization.
- Explain the importance of the identified communication methods within this organizational structure.
- Explain what internal relationships must be considered.
- Explain what external relationships must be considered.
- The steps involved in organizational planning and functions of management

- Identify the steps to plan and implement change within the organization.
- Explain how the steps may be applied to the scenario.
- Strategies and methods needed to influence organizational change and to minimize conflict

- Analyze strategies that might be used to bring about change in the organization.
- Explain how the strategies may be used to prevent or to minimize conflict.
- Explain strategies that can be applied if conflict does arise.
- Explain the manager's role in conflict management.
- The ethical issues considered important in today's health care organization

- Explain how ethical issues may alter the way change is conducted in the organization.
- The effects of financial and human resource management controls

- Explain how financial and human-resource control issues affect the decision-making process.
- The analysis of the administrative process needed to track outcomes and improve quality

- Analyze environmental influences related to health care which may affect outcomes and quality within the organization.
- Analyze how the implemented change will be tracked or evaluated.

Format the references and the paper consistent with APA guidelines. USE the sample annotated bibliography as your guide.

Reference no: EM131209847

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