Describe break-even analysis to inform your recommendation

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM133784488

Assignment: Cyber Security

Choose Alternatives with Break-Even Analysis

Books and Resources

1. Blank, L., & Tarquin, A. (2018). Engineering economy (8th ed.). McGraw Hill.
Read Chapter 13, pp. 354-376.

2. Vernimmen, P., Quiry, P., Dallocchio, M., Le, F. Y., & Salvi, A. (2017). Corporate finance: Theory and practice (5th ed.). Wiley.
Read Chapter 10, pp. 167-172.


The Googolplex CEO wants to develop and sell a new outpatient heart-rate monitoring system. Engineers expect the new heart-rate monitoring system to have a profitable life between 1 and 5 years. Help the CEO to determine the break-even number of units that must be sold annually (without any return) to realize the break-even payback. The cost and revenue estimates are as follows:

Fixed costs: Initial investment of $800,000 with $10,000 annual operating cost.

Variable cost: $80 per unit

Revenue: Twice the variable cost for the first 5 years and 50% of the variable cost thereafter. In addition, assume a 5% credit to total revenue calculation based on savings associated with detecting heart problems before they become life-threatening.

Based on these inputs, write a paper describing the break-even analysis to inform your recommendation on the heart-rate monitoring system to the CEO. Use the graphical break-even analysis figure provided in the introduction as a template. Ensure the graphical break-even analysis and paper capture the following:

1. Variable costs

2. Fixed costs

3. Total costs (Variable and Fixed costs combined)

4. Revenues

5. Credit due to early heart problem detection

6. Clearly identified break-even point

7. Clearly identified X-axis (# units) and Y-axis (costs in dollars)

8. Discussion on why break-even analysis is important and necessary for this problem.

9. Recommendation based on break-even analysis findings.

Reference no: EM133784488

Questions Cloud

How your finding from relevant research literature can shape : Describe how your findings from the relevant research literature can shape, inform and improve current business and professional practice related to your topic.
Define precondition and postcondition as part of description : Describe each possibility in your own words. Define precondition and postcondition as part of your description.
Discuss specific quotes that affected your opinion : Discuss specific quotes that affected your opinion and how you will practice differently because of this reading.
Briefly describe the trends in global food security : Briefly describe the trends in global food security, including Australia and OzHarvest business strategy and its business model architecture
Describe break-even analysis to inform your recommendation : Based on these inputs, write a paper describing the break-even analysis to inform your recommendation on the heart-rate monitoring system to the CEO.
Discuss scenarios where ethical dilemmas might arise : Discuss scenarios where ethical dilemmas might arise, such as issues of consent, confidentiality, and the best interest of the child.
Describe the size of your organization and the skills needed : Describe the size of your organization and the skills needed in effective management of supply chain logistics in your organization of this size.
Create infographic related to your emerging healthcare issue : Create a 1-3-page infographic related to your emerging healthcare issue using a combination of images and evidence in the form of an infographic.
To acquire knowledge about various intervention strategies : To acquire knowledge about various intervention strategies and critically evaluate their applicability and effectiveness.


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