Reference no: EM131449663
Wherever applicable, the marks awarded to how your answers are presented depend on the extent to which your answers:
- form a sound reasoning by developing those key points in a clear, logical and succinct manner;
- provide proper and adequate in-text citations and referencing to content drawn from course materials and other credible sources;
- strictly follow APA formatting and style guidelines1, in particular for:
• in-text citations and end-of-report references;
• the identification of figures and tables;
- use, wherever relevant, the specialised vocabulary and terminology commonly used in discussions about the topic(s) covered by each question;
- provide a reference or bibliography at the end of the main report;
- include the less relevant details in an Appendix;
- use sentence constructions that are grammatically and syntactically correct;
- are free from spelling mistakes; present the workings, numerical formulations and results in a logical manner that follows the APA formatting and style guidelines;
- design and present graphs, diagrams and plots that follow the APA formatting and style guidelines;
- are highly original;
- have proper formatting, which may:
o include a properly formatted cover page;
• respect the answer length/word count set out in the assignment guidelines, if any is prescribed;
• present answers in paragraphs with proper spacing and page margins;
• include page numbers and appendices, if necessary.
Assignment Guidelines
The total length of the report should not exceed 10 type-written pages with font as New Times Roman, size 12, 1.5 spacing (excluding cover page, table of contents, references and appendices)
Word limit for the report is between 3,000 - 3,500 words (excludes cover page, bibliography and appendices). Please DO NOT exceed the word limit. Reports that fail to conform to the word limit will be penalised.
You will need to conduct additional secondary research to support your answers adequately and you must acknowledge and reference all sources used or it will be considered as plagiarism.
Statutory Selected:
Singapore Health Promotion Board (HPB)
Question 1
A. Briefly describe the background of the statutory board of your choice. Also, include a description of the profile of its ‘customers'.
B. Discuss why it is beneficial for the public sector to adopt a customer (citizen) centric culture.
Question 2
IDIC forms the building blocks of a good CRM strategy while trust forms the important objective of that process. Examine with examples the IDIC model in relation to the statutory board. Identify the ways in which the organization uses IDIC to build good customer relationship and examine ways these ways might be improved to enhance trust with its target customers.
Question 3
A. Discuss the impact of technology on the delivery of public service in the statutory board of your choice and how it balances hardware with heartware. Illustrate your answer with three examples of how technology is being deployed in its CRM strategy, through for example the use of two-way addressable media such as website, wireless technology and mobile devices etc.
B. Define learning relationship and discuss the importance of such a relationship in the statutory board's interaction with its customers.
Question 4
J G Barnes suggested that a customer relationship is based on feelings and emotions. He proposed that customer relationships comprise the 5 Es. Analyse how the statutory board builds its relationships with its ‘customers' in relation to these 5 Es and evaluate its performance in each component.