Describe attitude of sonnets speaker towards his predicament

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133310225


"The Long Love That in My Thought Doth Harbor"

1. What is the basic conceit, or extended metaphor, of this poem?

2. Now examine the conceit more closely; is it more than just a one demnsional emblem for a physiological reaction? Follow the conceit through line 11- what does it reveal about the speaker's psyche?

3. Put the speaker, the. "I", of the poem into some relation with the "warrior" of the conceit. What does this relationship reveal about the speaker? Lines 12-14 are important here.

4. What sense do you get of the female in this poem? What sort of character would you say she has?

"Whoso List to Hunt"

5. Describe the attitude of the sonnet's speaker towards his predicament and towards his"deer. How does the speaker charcterize himself?

"My Lute, Awake!"

6. What is the function of the speaker's address to his lute? Who else does his address?

7. How is the poem an attempt to bring order to the passions?

"They Flee from Me"

8. Consider this poem's twists and turns on the basis of the opposition "aggression/passivity" or "domination/submission." How do images of the speaker and his female companions change through each stanza?

9. What mental process would you suggest that the poem's speaker is undergoing? How does he capture the pyschology of the lover?

10. How does the twisting quality of this poem relate to the matter of the speaker's reflections?

Reference no: EM133310225

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