Reference no: EM131520929
Question: Part 1: The Case of Luther
In this Instructor Contact Session, you will hear your instructor talk about generalizations. Listen to the lecture and take notes. Then post a substantive response to the following discussion question:
Identify some strategies you might implement to promote generalization for Luther based on your previously identified procedures for changing his behavior.
Response Guidelines
Read the posts of your peers and respond to two. Your responses should be substantive and demonstrate your understanding of the material. What aspects of the post do you like or agree with? Are there areas that are not clear? Did the post spark questions that you would like to ask your peer? In this, and in all of your courseroom posts, be sure to keep your tone scholarly, respectful, and professional.
ICS Part 2: Self-Management
In this Instructor Contact Session, you will hear your instructor talk about self-management. Listen to the lecture and take notes. Then post a substantive response to the following discussion question:
In the case study of Heidi (on page 411 of the Miltenberger text), Heidi implemented a self-management project in which her goal was to stop using specific curse words. She self-monitored the daily frequency of the curse words by keeping a tally on an index card she kept in her pocket. She set daily goals for herself to reduce the frequency of curse words each day until she was no longer using the words. If the frequency of her curse words exceeded her goal for the day, she had to put $2 into a jar in the kitchen. At the end of the week, her roommate counted up the money and gave it to charity. In addition to this response cost procedure, she asked friends from her behavior modification class to remind her whenever they heard her use a curse word. She was able to reach her goal every day, except on the days that she played softball. On softball days, she cursed frequently with her teammates as they sat around talking about the game once it was over.
Describe at least two procedures that Heidi could use to promote generalization of the reduction in cursing to the softball days. Be sure to identify the type of strategy that each fit (see Table 19-1 in the Miltenberger text, p. 398).
Miltenberger, R. G. (2016). Behavior modification: Principles and procedures (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.
Response Guidelines
Read the posts of your peers and respond to two. Your responses should be substantive and demonstrate your understanding of the material. What aspects of the post do you like or agree with? Are there areas that are not clear? Did the post spark questions that you would like to ask your peer? In this, and in all of your courseroom posts, be sure to keep your tone scholarly, respectful, and professional.