Describe at least two possible database failures

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131596618

Question: Planning the DBLC" Please respond to the following:

- The development of a database requires thorough methodology that ensures quality within the solution. Imagine you have been contracted to develop a finance database that will help an organization track monthly expenditures by departments. Using the DBLC, discuss the various activities that you would have to achieve each phase. Assess possible challenges that may exist within each phase. Suggest actions that one can perform in order to overcome these possible challenges.

- In order to mitigate risks associated with a database, it is essential to consider common sources of database failures. Describe at least two possible database failures that may occur once a database is placed into operation. Suggest actions that may be performed in order to avoid or mitigate these possible failures.

Reference no: EM131596618

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