Describe at least three works of early chinese art

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Reference no: EM131469318

Assignment: History and Religions of Ancient China and India

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you explore the histories of China and India.

Address the following questions:

• What major events characterize each of the four Dynasties of early Chinese history?
• Describe at least three works of early Chinese art; how do these pieces reflect Chinese culture and values?
• Where did Indian culture originate? In what ways did invaders influence this culture?
• Describe at least three works of early Indian art: How do these pieces reflect Indian culture and values?

Explain how religious and philosophical traditions influenced the development of culture in China and India.

Format your assignment according to appropriate course level APA guidelines. Be sure to include a clear introduction, conclusion, and in-text citations for all outside information.

History and Religions of Ancient China and India

China and India form some of the oldest civilizations in the world. Both of these civilizations developed to how they are in the present time. There are distinct features that are unique to these two cultures as is discussed below.

Major events that Characterize the Four Dynasties of early Chinese History

China contains some of the most ancient civilizations in the world. The oldest being Shang Dynasty that dates back over 3000 years and was established by Tang. Also referred as the Yin dynasty, Shang dynasty saw the establishment of the tributary state system. In this period, there were significant developments in the writing systems and bronze technology. Zhou dynasty is recorded to be the longest in ruling dynasty in China. In this dynasty, Zhou used the mandate of Heaven to exert his rule among the people. Furthermore, a hierarchical order of ancestral cults was established during this period. Qin dynasty on the other hand was established by Shi Huangti and was also referred as the Imperial Era. During this period, Shi Huangti ordered the destruction of the walled fortifications and in its place built the Great of Wall of China. Han dynasty on the other hand, is remembered for the establishment of institutions that characterize Chinese history. Significant developments in technology saw the recording of Chinese history during this dynasty. Additionally, there was the establishment of Confucianism during this period as Han's power reached other regions such as Korea and Vietnam (Ebrey, 2014).

Three Works of Early Chinese Art and how they Reflect their Culture and Values

China contains one of the oldest art traditions in the world. During the Neolithic period, arts such as jade carvings, painted pottery, and bone tools and ornaments were developed. Traditions and religion play a significant aspect in Chinese. Additionally, western influence also played a significant part in Chinese art. Furthermore, the period in history to a large extent determined the type of art being produced. One example of Chinese art is the portrait of the Yuan Dynasty Emperor; Emperor Kubilai Khan. Markedly, the Chinese people practice the hierarchical system. in fact,. High regard was put on the power of the empire. Because of this, a solemn and majestic expression was given to emperor art. According to Ebrey (2014), another piece of artwork is the seated Buddha. Religion played a central role in ancient and present day Chinese. Buddhist art was majorly developed in the aspect of statuary The third work of Chinese art is the paper cutting of a pig. Paper cutting became prominent during the Han period. Identically, is paper folding to represent different idols of the Chinese people. Apart from Buddhism, Chinese revered objects of nature as other living things were integrated in their arts.

Origin of Indian Culture and Influences of Invaders

Indian culture consists of intertwined distinct and unique religions and communities that are found in India today. Historians trace the origin of Indian culture to the Indus River. Migrating people that were mainly farmers formed the Indus Valley civilization. During this time, there was no established government because of the nomadic life of the Vegas people. Instead, tribal heads were used as a system of administration. However, invasion by Arynas, constant floods, and natural epidemics led to the end of the Indus Valley people. A majority of the Indian people are Hindus religions whereas others fall under Buddhism and Islamic (Avari, 2016). Apart from Hindu, there are other languages spoken by a majority of people in India. On the other hand, invaders saw the Indian culture as primitive and culturally inferior. As a result, attempts were made to colonize and to exert western influence among the Indians. Furthermore, invaders raided and plundered India resources. India has a distinct culture and art.

Three Works of Early Indian Art and how they reflect Indian Culture and Values

Indian art and themes began to emerge during the Harappa period. Initially, the art centered on the images of the gods of their religion such as Vishnu and Shiva. Fortunately, new artistic ideas were generated with the arrival of the Aryans people. in the same fashion, new artistic ideas were brought with it new artistic ideas. Lastly, the Islamic conquest saw the rise of Arabic and Irarian models in India. Chola bronze sculpture of Shiva as Nataraja is an example of a piece of Indian art formed under religious frameworks. In this piece of work, Shiva is depicted as the Lord of dance. Cave 3 found at the Badami Cave Temples provides an artistic work of the gods of the dominant religions of India. Lastly, the meditating Buddha is another Indian art formed in respect to Buddha (Avari, 2016).

Overall, there has been a gradual development of the cultures of China and India to the way they are today. Various factors influence these developments such as religion and western influence. Both India and China possess distinct and unique cultures.


Avari, B. (2016). India: The Ancient Past: A History of the Indian Subcontinent from C. 7000 BCE to CE 1200. Routledge.

Ebrey, P. B. (2014). Confucianism and family rituals in imperial China: A social history of writing about rites. Princeton University Press.

Reference no: EM131469318

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