Describe article instrument of national power represented

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Reference no: EM133552144


By reading the above article, could you please answer the following questions?

1. Describe one (1) example described in the article of the use (or attempted use) of the instrument of national power represented by "D" in the "DIME" acronym. Name the country that used it (or attempted to use it) and explain why it is clearly an example of the "D" instrument

2. Describe one (1) example described in the article of the use (or attempted use) of the instrument of national power represented by "M" in the "DIME" acronym. Name the country that used it (or attempted to use it) and explain why it is clearly an example of the "M" instrument

3. Describe one (1) example described in the article of the use (or attempted use) of the instrument of national power represented by "E" in the "DIME" acronym. Name the country that used it (or attempted to use it) and explain why it is clearly an example of the "E" instrument

Reference no: EM133552144

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