Describe any factors you anticipate in dissertation process

Assignment Help Dissertation
Reference no: EM13757576

This last week of class, you may have ideas about steps in the Dissertation process that may feel challenging, and questions for the Instructor on any one of a number of topics from the course. This is your chance to ask for feedback, support, and insight in meeting challenges, and for clarification of other questions or concerns from the Instructor. Your Discussion thread post likely will benefit everyone in class. 

Although you will identify challenges you anticipate, and support or ideas would be useful, it is important, as well, to understand the next steps and the entire process. The Dissertation Process Worksheet in MyDR has been created for you to use as a checklist during the process. It is the same document that is used Walden-wide, with a few items that are unique to SPPA; these are listed in green type. In this Discussion, you will describe anticipated challenges in the Dissertation process, request support and ideas from your colleagues, and ask any questions you may have on next steps.

To prepare for this Discussion, review the Dissertation Process Worksheet, listed in your Learning Resources, together with other Dissertation resources, including the article 6 Things Your Dissertation Director Wishes You Knew. This Worksheet outlines all the steps in the Dissertation process and will be your guide throughout your program.

Describe any factors you anticipate will present challenges in the next steps in the Dissertation process, in terms of time, other obligations, and so on.

Describe support and ideas that would be helpful to you.

Post your questions on any topic in the course and on next steps in the Dissertation process.

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Reference no: EM13757576

Questions Cloud

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Why is the role of a data steward considered innovative : As more and more data are collected, stored, processed, and disseminated by organizations, new and innovative ways to manage them must be developed. Discuss how the data resource management methods of today will need to evolve as more types of data e..
Different types of industries is problematic : While the three business level strategies discussed in the text are important, how those strategies be implemented in different types of industries is problematic. Each specific industry is characterized by 1) fragmentation, 2) growth, 3) maturity, o..
Anticipatory socialization-accommodation-role management : Please describe the process by which you were socialized into your organization. The organization can be your place of employment, or some other entity such as a church, a club, or an association. anticipatory socialization; 2) accommodation; and 3) ..
Describe any factors you anticipate in dissertation process : Describe any factors you anticipate will present challenges in the next steps in the Dissertation process, in terms of time, other obligations, and so on.
Global supply chain productivity and synergy goals : Global supply chain productivity and synergy goals. Describe the critical success factors for organizational collaboration
Part of project integration management : How does having a scope and WBS help project teams during project execution? Why is it difficult to develop good plans? Name the main planning tasks performed as part of project integration management? What are the main documents created, and what sh..
Discuss the basic relationships in an mrp system : Discuss the basic relationships in an mrp system. Use the text and any other resources for this project. I am intentionally giving a lot of latitude here so you can either find an article that suits you or take a more basic approach to increase y..
Create a public relations campaign for financial institution : Create a public relations campaign for a financial institution that has recently received negative exposure in the media pertaining to its lack of responsiveness to those wishing to modify existing home loans.


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