Describe any factors contributing to or reinforcing problem

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Reference no: EM133533178

Assignment: Case Conceptualization

Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Marriage, Couples, Family Counseling
Case Conceptualization Form

This Case Conceptualization & Reflection Form will be used in conjunction with your recording assignment to analyze your skills demonstration. For these assignments, you will complete the case conceptualization on the client you have chosen for your skills demonstration.

Client age: 12
Client initials: IH
Client race or ethnicity: Hispanic
Number of sessions with client: 4
Self-identified gender: Female

I. Presenting Problem

To understand the presenting problem, describe the client's past and present. Be sure to address each of the following elements:

1. Demographic information: 12 year old female who lives with her father, mother, and two other siblings, one younger brother aged 8 and sister aged 19.

2. Employmenthistory: N/A

3. Relevant legal problems: N/A

4. History of counseling: First time in counseling

5. Reason for seeking counseling, according to the client: Depression, isolation, no desire for socialization, feels guilty when parents argue and blames self, distrusts father from prior history of him cheating on her mother. Feels father is controlling and harsh towards she and her siblings. Reports of being rude and aggressive verbally. Hates to see mother cry, but wants to be there for mother. Self-reported cutting for 3 years. Denies suicidal ideation.

6. Onset and duration of concern: About 2 years

7. Frequency and intensity of symptoms:

8. What the client wants to improve: Confidence, positive self image, bettering relationship between she and father, finding ways to cope with stress.

II. Family Structure

Clients and their concerns are shaped by their family structure and stage of development. Be sure to address each of the following elements and their impact:

1. Family of origin and role within

2. Family of choice if different and role within

3. Significant relationships/relationship patterns

4. Children, marriages, divorces

5. Current living arrangements

6. Major losses, family traumas

7. Family mental health history: No reported history

8. Family substance abuse history: Denied

9. Family violence or abuse history: Denied

10. Stage of development impacts:

11. Developmental challenges:

III. Multicultural Considerations

Clients and their concerns are shaped by a multitude of multicultural considerations and their intersectionality. Be sure to address each of the following elements and their impact:

1. Race or ethnicity

2. Religion

3. Ability/disability

4. Sexuality

5. Socioeconomic status

6. Military: No history

7. Criminal justice system: No history

8. Geographic influences: El Salvadorien ethnicity

9. Environmental factors:

10. Experiences of oppression or marginalization: No prior reports.

IV. Narrative Summary

Take a step back and, through the lens of your education to this point, work to conceptualize the big picture. Consider the influence of all the information in Part I. Consider how it has all culminated and impacted who your client is and theirworld view. Within that context, consider the problem theypresented with for counseling and address each of the following elements:

1. Describe your understanding of the problem.

2. Describe your observations of the client.

3. Describe your impressions of the client.

4. Describe any factors contributing to or reinforcing the problem.

5. Describe the purpose of the client's behaviors.

6. Describe themes and patterns that emerge or connect.

7. Describe barriers to growth and coping.Not wanting to socialize

8. Describe strengths, assets, protective factors, signs of resilience.Likes to journal, dance, play sports to cope.

V. DSM-5 Diagnosis

It is of utmost importance to diagnose ethically and responsibly. You must consider all elements covered thus far not only in your understanding of the problem but in rendering a diagnosis. With this in mind, address each of the following elements:

1. DSM-5 diagnosis: Major depressive disorder, recurrent, moderate, F33.1 (ICD-10) (Active); Nonsuicidal self-harm, R45.88 (ICD-10) (Active)

2. Rationale for how diagnosis was determined

3. Two other diagnoses considered, but not given

4. Explanation for ruling out diagnoses not given

5. Mental health assessments or scales used: Patient Health Questionnaire-Adolescents, Children's Depression Rating Scale-Revised (CDRS-R)

6. Other assessments or scales that could be used.

Reference no: EM133533178

Questions Cloud

Which theory has been most influential in the field : The theories of Psychoanalytic Psychology and Behavior Psychology appear to be the antithesis of one another. If this is the case what are the major differences
Why could this be considered a problem for generalizability : A lot of psychology research is done on college students. Why could this be considered a problem for the generalizability of the research findings?
Dsicuss the kind of early childhood program : Describe the setting of the video. Include details such as where the video was made, the kind of early childhood program, and the main action in the video
How program goals and outcomes are connected : A criminal justice professional should understand how a program's goals and outcomes are connected to or supported by the strategic goals
Describe any factors contributing to or reinforcing problem : Describe any factors contributing to or reinforcing the problem. Describe the purpose of the client's behaviors. Describe themes and patterns that emerge.
Are the interventions consistent with the target population : Who is your target population? What is your group setting? Are the interventions consistent with the target population? Are the interventions realistic?
Concerning the transfer of nuclear weapons : Analyze the reports concerning the transfer of nuclear weapons-grade materials and/or tactical nuclear weapons to Al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations.
Which ethical framework used for creation of paris agreement : Explain which ethical framework or frameworks you believe were used for the creation of the Paris Agreement - The more nations that work together to address
Which observation method would work best for you : Which observation method would work best for you - anecdotal records, running records, checklists, rating scales, event sampling, or time sampling?


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