Describe any data cleaning steps you applied to the data

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131759845

CS Principles Assignment- Data Analysis Project Report Guidelines

Your data analysis project report is a detailed report on the process you undertook to identify and analyze one or more datasets with the goal of obtaining answers about the domain for which the data was collected. Your report should follow the outline presented below, but can include other information that would be specific for the dataset and/or questions you are investigating. Your report should be a minimum of 4-5 pages excluding any charts or graphs.

1. Introduction

a. a. Indicate the domain and questions you are planning to answer.
b. b. Indicate the source of the dataset(s) you will be using and why you choose this dataset.
c. c. Provide a clear description of the intended purpose for which the dataset was created.
d. d. Explain why your questions are important for the domain you are studying.

2. Data Acquisition

a. Provide specific information about where you obtained the data from, (i.e., URL, file names, etc.)
b. Explain the steps you needed to go through to obtain a copy of the data you choose to analyze.
c. Describe any additional data that was required to make sense of the dataset, (i.e., metadata, data dictionary, background information, etc.)
d. Describe any limitations to what can be interpreted from the data. This could include things like limited sample size, limited context for the data, potential problems due to methods of data collection.

3. Analysis Process

a. Describe any data cleaning steps you applied to the data.
b. Describe any processes or functions you used to aggregate the data.
c. Describe any graphs or tables you created to help make sense of the data.
d. Describe any additional sources you used to give context to the data.

4. Results of Analysis

a. Provide detailed answers you obtained from your analysis.
b. Describe any additional steps you would envision taking to provide more detailed analysis of the dataset.

5. Conclusions

a. Explain the overall process you went through to complete this project.
b. Suggest things you might do differently if you had more tools available to study the data.
c. Indicate if you were surprised in any way by the results you obtained.

Reference no: EM131759845

Questions Cloud

What is us gross income to keenco resulting from dividend : KeenCo, a domestic corporation, is the sole shareholder of LovettCo, a controlled foreign corporation. LovettCo has $250,000 in E&P attributable to income.
Identify three benefit of implementing server virtualization : Identify three benefits of implementing server virtualization at the city of Seacliff Heights. Elaborate on how specifically the city will benefit?
Prepare the entry to accrue the interest : Kelly Jones and Tami Crawford borrowed $15,750 on a 7-month, 8% note from Gem State Bank to open their business, JC's Coffee House.
Moral justification of capitalism : Relate the ideas of Adam Smith to the moral justification of capitalism, given the logic of the theory of the competitive firm.
Describe any data cleaning steps you applied to the data : Describe any data cleaning steps you applied to the data. Describe any processes or functions you used to aggregate the data.
What is the net present value for the investment : What is the net present value for the investment over the four year timeframe, assuming no taxes are paid?
What are the test requirements for edge-pair coverage : What are the test requirements for edge coverage? What are the test requirements for edge-pair coverage? List test paths that achieve the edge-pair coverage.
Propitious niche is being challenged by other competitors : Discuss if this Propitious Niche is being challenged by other competitors.
Compute product line profits-loss for the standard model : Kima Company manufactures and sells two models of a home appliance. The Standard model is a basic appliance with mostly manual features, while the Galaxy model.


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