Reference no: EM133749071 , Length: word count:1000
Assessment: Reconnaissance and Vulnerability Report
In this individual assignment, students perform network discovery techniques using NMAP with Kali, BackBox or Parrot to target at least one enterprise applications per student (e.g. Zabbix, Greylog, or any other open source/evaluation software) to determine which ports are open and what types of traffic are expected on those ports. Describe and implement how to harden the system. Students should use a two or three-factor method (e.g. Wireshark and Netcat to determine if a port is open) to interpret their results and determine attack vectors for the enterprise software. Students should record the hash of files generated by the software and observe events triggered by the software and think of possible attack vectors that might exist. You can use any tool(s), such as NMAP, Port Scanners, Wireshark, Netminer, windows event viewer, logs, etc. It is beneficial to learn new tools such as Sandboxes.
Cover Page
Methods and Evidence
Interpretation and Recommendations
Executive Summary - Summarize the entire document with key findings.
Introductions - Introduce the report - how come this report was created?
Methods and Evidence - Describe with appropriate screenshots the methods used to collect any evidence showing ports arc open, password visible in RAM, system calls. etc.
Interpretation and Recommendations - Interpret your evidence- is this program a security risk? What do you recommend (to whom) and why? Based on the evidence you collected.
Conclusions - Conclude your report with key methods, evidence and recommendations.