Describe and evaluate the child physical development

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Reference no: EM133531419

Question 1. Describe and evaluate the child's physical development and motor ability, based on the items on the checklist. Pay particular attention to evidence of change in fine motor abilities.

Question 2. How would you evaluate the child's self esteem and social development? Relate your answer to developmental issues for this age. Support your answer with specifics from this checklist.

Question 3. Describe the child's cognitive development. Is there evidence of the concrete operational stage? (Consider concepts like conservation, hierarchical classification, seriation and class inclusion. Give examples.) Does the child show evidence of metacognition? Does the child use learning strategies with school work? What stage of strategy use do you think the child has reached? Support your answer.

Question 4. What is the child's perception of gender roles? Does she/he show signs of gender stereotyping'? Does the child seem comfortable crossing gender lines in her /his own activities? Does the child seem to understand that what women and men can do is not always the same as what society says they should do?

Question 5. Ask the child to tell you a joke, and then ask him/her to tell you why it's funny. If the child can't think of a joke, you tell one and again ask why it's funny. Does the child really understand the joke? Explain your conclusion. What does the child's response tell you about his/her level of cognition and metalinguistics?

Reference no: EM133531419

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