Describe and discuss the theoretical frameworks and concepts

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Reference no: EM132343500 , Length: word count:2500

Assignment 1- Research paper

Research topic:
"Choose two serial entrepreneurs and perform a research on their entrepreneurship journey and discuss their entrepreneurial traits and characteristics"

Please read all instructions and requirements carefully

1. Task requirement

All the world-famous entrepreneurs are unique in the way that they believed in themselves since their childhood and worked towards their goal to success, impact and recognition. However, they often have demonstrated certain common characteristics and traits in their entrepreneurial journey. Through this assignment, you will need to demonstrate a good understanding of the topic of entrepreneurship and its personal, economic and social dimensions. In this regard, you need to demonstrate critical thinking through the selection, analysis and discussion of the entrepreneurial traits and characteristics of your chosen entrepreneurs. Your task is to perform a research on two serial entrepreneurs in their respective businesses and submit a research paper based on that. The requirements for the assignment are as follows:

1. You must choose two serial entrepreneurs/business leaders of your choice

2. One entrepreneur should be from Asia

3. One of the selected entrepreneur/business leaders should have an engineering or technology background

4. The research paper should include a review of literature on variety of resources about the importance and impact of entrepreneurship and the common traits and skills of entrepreneurs.

5. An analysis and justification of the key information available in the literature chosen while addressing the traits of entrepreneurs based on the success stories to demonstrate your critical thinking.

6. Research and discussion on the life and work of the entrepreneurs of your choice and how she/he demonstrated the entrepreneur's characteristics/traits in her/his business compared to the identified traits and skills from the literature.

7. In case possible, identify areas that you could recommend to your selected entrepreneurs to improve their performance. What is so inspiring about these entrepreneurs and what did you learn from his/her work.

8. You are encouraged to use different types of literature resources such as books, scholarly articles, reports and credible websites.

9. Your contribution must be sensible, highly focused, feasible and precisely described

10. Follow the structure of the given research paper

2. Learning Outcomes

This assignment has been devised to allow students to demonstrate progress towards achieving the following Unit Learning Outcomes and Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes:
At the completion of this Unit, you will be able to:
ULO 1 Describe and discuss the theoretical frameworks and concepts which have been developed to explain entrepreneurial behavior in engineering context.
ULO 4 Analyse the roles of engineers in creating productive, economic, successful venture in a variety of engineering projects.
ULO 5 Demonstrate evidence of enhanced personal knowledge, skills and competencies relevant to the management of engineering entrepreneurship

This assignment will also help students demonstrate learning achievements towards other unit learning outcomes. Students are encouraged to review all other learning outcomes to discover additional learning opportunities which will increase the quality of their submission and final results.

Attachment:- Engineering Entrepreneurship.rar

Reference no: EM132343500

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Culture dimension and summarize the india dimension : Culture Analysis- visit Hofstede culture dimension and summarize the India dimension. Individualism or Collectivism? Power Distance: High or Low?



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Research & Knowledge (30 Marks) Eg: Entrepreneurship and characteristics/traits of entrepreneurs? Why is this entrepreneur? What do other people say about it? Have you done a thorough analysis of your topic? Have you come out from your comfort zone to reach original material about the entrepreneur There is clear evidence that you have researched this topic thoroughly and comprehensively. You can present this evidence clearly and with authority. Critical Thinking (30 Marks) Eg: Have you justified the inspiration and lessons learned from your choice? Your contribution? Implications of research analysis wherever required. You have covered many different points of view with little or no bias from many different perspectives. Your critical analysis is sound and have clearly thought about the entrepreneur of your choice.


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Criteria Level 5 Task Completion (15 Marks) Eg: have you identified two serial entrepreneurs, at least one from technical backgrounds, have you done a thorough study about their life and entrepreneurship journey, have you cross checked your discussion with other researchers and expert analysis of that person All components executed excellently, extends beyond the required tasks Organization (10 Marks) Eg: Is your work easy to follow? Have to followed the appropriate template? Ideas, theory and evidence well linked throughout and integrated to form a coherent argument. Creative use of structure to develop clear understanding for the reader and new insights. Written Presentation (15 Marks) Eg: Referencing, illustrations, vocabulary and sentence composition Appropriate citations with consistence referencing style with the required references from more than 4 different types of resources. Excellent choice of illustrations that truly enhance understanding of the topic. Sentences are well- phrased. Free of errors andword length is within the range specified


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5. Both entrepreneurs/business leaders should be discussed in equal detail. 6. There must be a Reference Section (Bibliography) in your submission. Marks will be deducted if it is omitted, not suitably formatted, or lacking the relevant/minimum citations mentioned above. Use a suitable and consistent referencing style such as the Harvard or IEEE or similar. A minimum of 8 references is recommended from variety of resources. 7. Don’t waste time with fancy layouts, colours, cover pages, and so on. A simple text-based format is all that is needed with the report layout consisting of a few sections of text (with section headings). Use photos or diagrams sparingly and only if necessary and/or relevant to include in your report. Just use a basic and common text font such as Caibri, Arial or Times New Roman with at least 10 point font size for body text. Single-spaced paragraphs are acceptable.


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Important Notes: 1. This is an individual assignment which each student needs to complete as per the given requirements. 2. A written research paper is to be prepared using an appropriate style and to include a list of references. Refer to Deakin’s Guide to Assignment Writing and Referencing, available online from Student Life for assistance on appropriate report styles and referencing. Sample research paper template will be provided. 3. Read the Assessment Criteria guidelines and Rubric in the Unit Guide for guidance on how this assignment will be marked. 4. The word limit is 2500 (+/- 10%) words does not include the References section, word count includes the first word of the first section heading to the last word of the last section in your report (but it does not including the References section).

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