Describe and compare student performance on each quiz

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Reference no: EM131999754

Statistics for Business Assignment -

Please answer all questions.

Question 1: Prof. Hardtack gave four Friday quizzes last semester in his 10-student senior tax accounting class.

Quiz 1: 60, 60, 60, 60, 71, 73, 74, 75, 88, 99

Quiz 2: 65, 65, 65, 65, 70, 74, 79, 79, 79, 79

Quiz 3: 66, 67, 70, 71, 72, 72, 74, 74, 95, 99

Quiz 4: 10, 49, 70, 80, 85, 88, 90, 93, 97, 98

(a) Find the mean, median, and mode for each quiz.

(b) Do these measures of center agree? Explain.

(c) For each data set, note strengths or weaknesses of each statistic of center.

(d) Are the data symmetric or skewed? If skewed, which direction?

(e) Briefly describe and compare student performance on each quiz. 

Question 2: In a sample of 100 Planter's Mixed Nuts, 19 were found to be almonds.

(a) Construct a 90 percent confidence interval for the true proportion of almonds.

(b) May normality be assumed? Explain.

(c) What sample size would be needed for 90 percent confidence and an error of ± 0.03?

(d) Why would a quality control manager at Planter's need to understand sampling?

Question 3: Consider the following Excel regression of perceived sound quality as a function of price for 27 stereo speakers.

(a) Is the coefficient of Price significantly different from zero at α = .05?

(b) What does the R2 tell you?

(c) Given these results, would you conclude that a higher price implies higher sound quality? 

Regression Statistics

R Square


Standard Error







Std Error

t Stat


Lower 95%

Upper 95%















Question 4: Suppose a pickup and delivery company states that their packages arrive within two days or less on average. You want to find out whether the actual average delivery time is longer than this. You conduct a hypothesis test.

(a) Set up the null and alternative hypotheses.

(b) Suppose you conclude wrongly that the company's statement about average delivery time is within two days. What type of error is being committed and what is the impact of that error?

(c) Suppose you conclude wrongly that the delivery company's average time to delivery is in fact longer than two days. What type of error did you commit and what is the impact of this error? \

(d) Which error is worse from the company's standpoint, a Type I or a Type II error? Why?

(e) Which error is worse from a consumer standpoint, a Type I or a Type II error? Why?

Verified Expert

This task was about Statistics questions. The first one dealt with mean, median and mode of 4 separate data sets and compared them with each other, helping to delineate their properties. The second question dealt with probability and properties of the Central Limit Theorem. The third question was about regression where we disqualified the null hypothesis and explained the value of R squared. The fourth question discussed the issues with type 1 and type 2 error. The task was completed in microsoft word with statistical exercises in Excel

Reference no: EM131999754

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5/29/2018 2:08:35 AM

Each of the above question worth 10 marks, please answer all of them. If needed please use Harvard referencing style. There is no word limit, but it is necessary that you provide answers with explanations. Total Marks: This assignment is worth 40 marks (40 % of the total marks in the unit). Instructions: Students are required to cover all stated requirements. Your answer must be both uploaded to Moodle in word file and handed over a printed copy. You need to support your answers with appropriate Harvard style references where necessary. Include a title/cover page containing the subject title and code and the name, student id numbers. Please save the document as STA101AT1_first name_Surename_Student Number Eg: STA101AT1_John_Smith_NA20170000.

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