Describe and analyse the marketing strategies

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131653496

Marketing analysis about CSL GROUP GLOBAL

Marketing assignment

The aim of this assignment is to conduct a marketing analysis - that is a study of the marketing environment and strategy - of CSL

Guidelines for Marketing assignment

The report should contain the following elements (please see marking rubrics for more details):

Describe the marketing background of the company that includes key information about the industry indicating where the company fits and/or positions itself paying special attention to sustainable practices- environment, society, resources use, etc

Describe and analyse the following marketing strategies used by the company

o Analyse the main Products, services, suppliers and customers of the company
o Pricing
o Promotion
o Place (distribution)
o (Note: for each of these Ps, please reflect on relevant theory(ies), discuss the strategies applied, and sustainability practices implemented by the company)

Compare the marketing mix (4Ps) to its closest competitors

Make recommendations for improvement of marketing mix for product(s) to become more competitive- Include relevant sustainability aspects

Appendix: Include a SWOT analysis and a Positioning chart

This is an individual report.

Detailed Guidelines

Marketing background of the chosen company
- Key information about the industry indicating where the company fits and/or
positions itself
- Pay special attention to sustainable practices - i.e. what have been done to balance economic, environmental, social benefits.
- Who are the targeted customers/segments?
- How the company and its products are positioned in the market (against the rivals' offering)?

Product vs. sustainability

- What products/product range are being offered by the company?
- Key decisions for product policy (some, but not limited to):
- Product quality/features
- Packaging, labelling
- Design and materials
- Production
- Supply chain management
- Considerations for consumption and disposal
- How can sustainability be incorporated into those key decisions?

Price vs. sustainability

- What are the general pricing strategies (e.g. value-based, cost-based or competition-based)
and their relevant sub-type(s) being used by the company?
- Do and how they adopt any new-product pricing strategies?
- What are their product mix pricing strategies (if applicable)?
- How are their product prices normally adjusted?
- Has any sustainable pricing practice been applied?

Promotion vs. sustainability

- What and how key elements of the promotion mix are being used (e.g.
advertising, PR, sales promotion, online marketing etc)?
- How has the firm attempted to design communications to inform stakeholders about its efforts, commitment, and achievement toward balancing/addressing economic, social and environmental benefits?

Place/distribution vs sustainability

- What marketing channels are being used by the company to distribute its products?
- How has the firm been managing its marketing intermediaries?
- How has the firm managed to achieve sustainable distribution?

Comparison to rivals

- Compare the marketing mix (Product, Price, Place, Promotion) to its closest competitors (1 or 2 closest rivals)


- Make recommendations for improving the marketing mix to achieve stronger competitiveness (to consider including relevant  sustainability aspects)

- Make sure that the recommendations are well justified and connected to previous analyses of the marketing background,  internal/external environmental situation, and marketing mix analyses.

Other requirements

- Report format with headings and sub-headings
- Approximately 2,500 words (+/- 10% accepted; excluding executive summary & list of references)
- Use Microsoft Word format only, Times New Roman 12 point font, 1.5 line
- Use Harvard referencing.
- 15-20 references are expected (including at least 5 academic references)
- See the Subject Learning Guide for marking rubric, and other information in LMS

Verified Expert

In this particular report the marketing mix of the company will also be discussed upon in respect to the products they produce, the price they change in the market and how they promote their products. Apart from that, the place of distribution of the products will also be discussed along with different recommendations so as to endeavor the justified propagation.

Reference no: EM131653496

Questions Cloud

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12/23/2017 4:59:44 AM

Thanks I have received the solution along with Turnitin report. its Amazing, very low plagiarism as required. Quality is also good, I dont need revision for this assignment. I am quite sure that it is good work as far as I checked it. thanks once more.


12/23/2017 4:57:42 AM

it is in the second attachment that i sent to you (guidelines for marketing assignment) in the first paragraph just read that have you got the link? payment is completed?? BUS5SMM further instructions for Assignment 2 Marketing.pdf giudelines for marketing assignment.pdf


9/22/2017 4:49:46 AM

subject name is sustainable marketing and management. i need 15 to 20 references in hardward style. marketing analysis about CSL GROUP GLOBAL included in the guidelines that is in first attached file. there is a link Make recommendations for improvement of marketing mix for product(s) to become more competitive- Include relevant sustainability aspects Appendix: Include a SWOT analysis and a Positioning chart


9/22/2017 4:49:15 AM

• Report format with headings and sub-headings • Approximately 2,500 words (+/- 10% accepted; excluding executive summary & list of references) • Use Microsoft Word format only, Times New Roman 12 point font, 1.5 line spacing • Use Harvard referencing. • 15-20 references are expected (including at least 5 academic references) • See the Subject Learning Guide for marking rubric, and other information in LMS • All submissions MUST be made via LMS (Turnitin), otherwise the work won’t be marked. • Late penalty will be applied; extension (if any) will need to be made by logging application for Special Consideration via Ask La Trobe.


9/22/2017 4:48:48 AM

Submitting the Assignment This is an individual report. You should submit using the Moodle/Turnitin submission link for this assignment. Remember that, the report should be approximately 2,500 words use Times New Roman 12 point font, 1.5 line spacing use Harvard referencing. 15-20 references are expected Marking rubrics See the Subject Learning Guide for marking rubrics, and more detailed guidelines in LMS

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