Reference no: EM133791609
Grand Rounds Assignment
Purpose: Grand Rounds is a professional "virtual" conference used to educate a professional audience on a research topic related to a patient condition or situation that offers a unique or interesting learning experience. The purpose of this assignment is to use evidence-based practice and communication skills to research and present a clinical situation you have encountered in this course that relates to course concepts.
Student Learning Outcomes:
Promote optimal health;
Nursing judgment;
Professional identity;
Spirit of inquiry.
Presentation: The presentation is based on one of the following Research Question Categories. Topic must have a nursing focus, not medical or disease process focus.
Research Question Categories:
1. Bio-physical concept: New or unusual conditions or treatments
The student will research new findings or breakthroughs in the care or management of the patient's condition or disease entity. This question should reflect new knowledge and not just basic textbook information on the patient's diagnosis, surgery, or collaborative treatments. Discuss health promotion or teaching measures that might have helped this patient to avoid the identified condition or problem. Identify how the new findings or breakthroughs in the care or management of the patient's condition or disease entity has influenced, or will influence, nursing care.
2. Professional Practice Concept: Ethical/Legal Issue
Discuss a major ethical/legal issue involved in the patient's care or treatment. Evaluate the situation using an ethical principle (such as autonomy, beneficence, justice, fairness, etc.). Include information or institutional policies that were used to manage the situation from a nursing perspective. Be sure to include any attitudes or responses from the patient, the patient's family, and/or the members of the health care team.
3. Professional Practice Concept: Health Care Management
Describe an occurrence which was witnessed in the clinical area that relates directly to a nursing care management issue. This occurrence may be related to one of the Joint Commission National Patient Safety Goals, a staffing shortage, delegation issues, reorganization, etc. Identify the risks and benefits of the plan which was used to address the occurrence as it relates to nursing care management. Consider additional steps in the plan that may be used should there be a similar occurrence in the future.
4. Professional Practice Concept: Professionalism
Describe an act related to professionalism witnessed in the clinical area. This act may be related to communication, patient care, staff conflicts or assignment issues, etc. Include details of what lead to the occurrence and how the individual responded. Resources and directives that assisted the individual should be described. If the situation was related to negative circumstances, develop and describe a plan where the situation could have been prevented or resolved with positive outcomes.
Grand Rounds Directions There are 4 components to the Grand Rounds Assignment:
1. Topic selection approved by clinical faculty
2. Written Proposal
3. Written Paper
4. Poster Presentation
1. Topic selection approved by clinical instructor
Students will select their topic from a clinical situation encountered in previous courses or this course relating to Adult Medical-Surgical experiences. Students will explore evidence-based practice and develop a question to frame their work. The selected topic should relate to a Research Question Category as outlined on page 1. Final decisions for choices of related topics and research questions must have approval by the clinical faculty.
2. Written Proposal (10 points--see Written Proposal Grading Rubric)
Purpose: Professional conferences issue a "call for proposals" and submission of objectives and abstract/summary.
Directions: Written Proposal is to be submitted with final Written Paper to faculty for grading.
Research question: The title of written paper and presentation.
2-3 Objectives: What you want the reader to know at the end of the presentation.
Abstract/Summary: This is a self-contained description, in 4-7 sentences, of your presentation that makes sense when it stands alone.
3. Written Paper (60 points--see Written Paper Grading Rubric)
Purpose: Academic writing in nursing provides written documentation of research. It is the ability to explain a complex position to readers and yourself. The intent is to stimulate a line of thought beyond your first impression.
Directions for APA Format:
Written Paper should be typed, double spaced, using a #12 font (Times New Roman).
5 pages of content (does not include title page or bibliography)
Minimum resource requirements to be used and cited in Written Paper: At least two internet sources, two nursing journal article, along with one other reference.
Annotate the bibliography: Write comments on the sources. What is the strength of the resource? How is it relevant?
Example: Oermann, M. H. (2006). Short written assignments for clinical nursing courses. Nurse Educator, 31(5), 228-231.
The author describes how short written assignments can be used in clinical nursing
courses to promote the development of critical thinking skills in nursing students.
Poster Presentation (30 points--see Poster Presentation Grading Rubric)
Purpose: Nurses attending professional conferences share expertise through Poster Presentations. A poster presentation showcases advances in nursing practice to develop evidence-based practices.
Directions: After the Written Paper is developed, students are asked to reformat the information for a Poster Presentation using provided template. Presentations will be shared on the Discussion Board with peers. Please respond to two of your peers on the Discussion Board.
Poster Presentation Criteria: (see Poster Presentation Grading Rubric)
Introduction: State the research question at the beginning of the presentation.
Content Depth and Accuracy: Content presented should include evidence-based practice. Explain why the topic is important and use evidence-based practice to support your recommendations. Existing ideas are combined to form new insights. Student demonstrates full knowledge with explanations, elaboration, and answering questions.
Communication: Appropriate audiovisuals should maximize audience understanding.
Overall Visual Appearance of Poster: Poster should summarize your work with pleasing use of color, graphics, and white space. Overall the use of color and design attract attention to major ideas. Are the visuals attractive and of high quality? Text should be readable from a distance of 1-2 yards. Does the text communicate clearly? Can the audience determine how to move through the poster? Is there a logical and clear flow of ideas from one heading to the next? Is it easy to find the main points, conclusions, recommendations, etc.?
Literature Review: Please include at least 5 scholarly sources for your literature review. Scholarly sources considered nursing journals and reputable information from the internet.