Describe an occasion when you failed at something

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133267014

Question: Reliability is the way interviews and other types of selection procedures bring together data that is compared over time, which makes the data dependable, it also gives it the consistency of the measures that have been used. (Yates; Teresa, Karol; Clarke. 2020 ph399). Validity is the accuracy of the outcome of the predictor measures that were used. (Yates; Teresa, Karol; Clarke. 2020 ph399).
The six categories of questions that are unrelated to the way in which a job is done, culturally biased, questions that are made easy for candidates to respond to, questions on if one is fit for the job in that specific organization, and things you should be telling them and them asking you are done in a way of, puzzles, riddles, and tricks. (CharityVillage. (2019, November 26).
Culturally biased, questions that are made for candidates so that they can be easily answered, examples of questions that unintentionally are asked in most interviews including mine are questions like, tell me about yourself? why should I hire you? and why do you feel you are the best candidate for this position? (CharityVillage. (2019, November 26).

My best practice on ensuring the interviewer's Questions are valid and reliable because that was a work-related questions and easy to answer the question. That would help both me and the interviewer.

Give me an example of a time you had a conflict with a team member how did you handle it? Tell me about a time you made a mistake that affected a customer. How did you resolve the problem? Describe an occasion when you failed at something. What did you learn?

Reference no: EM133267014

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