Describe an important sociological issue or problem about

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Reference no: EM133460506

Question 1: How has the study of sociology prepared you for the future? In what ways do you see yourself carrying forward what you have learned as a sociology major? [2-3pgs]


By studying sociology, I have learned a huge insight throughout several different topics. I have gained information from sociology of gender in several classes. I now understand the stigmas against gender and the biases individuals may experience. I understand the other factors that play a role into gender. I also understand how intersectionality contributes to gender. I have taken a range of other classes such as social class and equality, and even deviance and social control. by taking these classes I have now prepared myself for the future by understanding the stigmas that go into labeling someone deviant. Along with the injustices that play a role in our society and in police brutality. By studying sociology, I now have a deeper understanding


Question 2: Describe an important sociological issue or problem about which you've changed your mind since arriving at Hanover. Why and how has your thinking changed about this issue? [2-3pgs]

Picking one sociological issue or problem is hard. I went to an all-girl Catholic High School. My beliefs and knowledge were being chosen for me. Now with a sociological perspective, I know that schools can shape how you think about inequality. With my high school being a Catholic High School, they were not very diverse with their topics. The sociological issues that I've changed my mind since arriving at Hanover is gender, and sexuality. As you can imagine in a Catholic High all girl high school, we did not discuss these sociological issues.

As far as my knowledge of gender in high school, there were three genders. In high school we were taught that there were only two genders. However, I personally knew someone that was nonbinary. Through taking sociology classes, gender study classes, I know that this is not true. In fact, we have more than 3 genders! My viewpoint of gender inequalities changed throughout college as well. Some of the teachers in my high school were very bias and strict about the conversations we would have in the class. As an example, when we would try to talk about inequalities, they would typically shut it down. However, every once in a while, they would let us talk about it. As far as I knew, the only gender inequality was how much a male versus a female makes. However, as I write this paper, I know that this is not the only factor of gender inequality. By taking sociology classes, I now know

Reference no: EM133460506

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