Describe an example of potential pitfalls

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Reference no: EM131450699 , Length: 3

Getting a Written Statement

For this assignment, you will write a report about the best strategies for having a suspect write a statement after an interview or interrogation has been completed.


Use your readings, the University online library resources, and other scholarly resources to gather a list of strategies.

Create a 2- to 3-page report addressing the following:

On the basis of your research, discuss whether videotaping or recording is applicable to most interview or interrogation situations in which a written statement would be needed from a potential suspect.

Describe an example of potential pitfalls that interrogators face when attempting to have suspects make a statement.

Reference no: EM131450699

Questions Cloud

What will you do to reduce bobs resistance : How will you plan to listen and lead during the interview and confession process? How will you challenge the uncooperative, untruthful, or unwilling employee?
Current south african vat system : A recommendation regarding a current south African vat system
Create a report of status of business project to supervisor : Create a one page report of status of business project to the supervisor. It should be 2-3 paragraphs on 1.audience 2.How it would be administered.
Is it appropriate to partake in the rumor mill : In connection with the two previous questions, assume instead that you think something significant is about to be made public because all officers have consist
Describe an example of potential pitfalls : write a report about the best strategies for having a suspect write a statement after an interview or interrogation has been completed.
How was it resolved : Have you ever been in, or are you familiar with, a conflict of interest situation? How was it resolved? Can you think of any rules or any practices.
What is the cause of teen apathy toward learning : develop a specific research question that holds your interest and is specific so you can focus your annotated bibliography.
How did the authors apply to the study of triple constraint : How did the authors apply to the study of the triple constraint? How does their application or their findings compare to the textbook readings on the topic?
Explain the communication process : Describe the information used in different levels of management in the organization and identify the type and sources of the information available


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