Reference no: EM132255580
Question: Selected subject: Comparison of accounting standards for business combination and consolidation between US GAAP and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
Require: Write a complete paper based on your thorough study and literature review on the selected subject. You are expected to include recent Statement, Exposure Draft, or new development by FASB, SEC, IFRB, etc. on the selected subject in your study.
An executive summary is compulsory and the report can include tables, charts, graphs, appendices, and bibliography in addition to the minimum of 10-page report.
The result of the study should be at least 10 pages (double spaced), excluding charts, graphs, or any other supporting schedules. The paper is expected to be supported by charts, graphs, and or any other techniques that best explain to a reader. It is strongly expected to devote a small portion of your paper indicating your experience with this project (the positive and negative aspects of working on the project).