Reference no: EM133200083
1. Briefly describe the experiment Folkman conducted with the rat thyroid gland and what conclusion that he drew from these studies.
2. Briefly describe the experiments Folkman conducted with the rabbit cornea to demonstrate angiogenesis and anti-angiogenesis.
3. What was the unexpected result that Judah Folkman often observed when he removed a patient's primary tumor and how did Folkman's observation help to spark the idea of anti-angiogenesis as a therapy?
4. What type of substances are angiostatin and endostatin and where are they produced? What do they do?
5. Briefly describe the experiments using cow bones to discover anti-angiogenic substances. Why was this used as a source of these potential proteins?
6. Briefly describe the "accidental" discovery of a novel antiangiogenic substance because of lab contamination?
7. What is thalidomide? Briefly explain its original use, side effects, and how it comes into play into anti-angiogenesis.
8. Briefly describe the chick embryo experiments to isolate novel antiangiogenic substances.
9. Briefly describe the experiments used by Michael O'Reilly to isolate endostatin.
10. Also, briefly describe the experiments and results (using a mouse model) demonstrating the effectiveness of the drug.
Read Sci American Article Vessels of death and answer the following questions
11. Name/briefly describe three other pathologies/abnormalities associated with inappropriate angiogenesis. (see figure)
12. Name/briefly describe three potential applications of therapeutic angiogenesis (see figure)
13. What is VEGF and what is its importance in angiogenesis and development of anti-angiogenesis treatment?
14. Explain what is meant by the "normalization window" for treatment of cancer with antiangiogenic therapies and conventional treatments.
Attachment:- Vessles of Death.rar