Describe a time when you had to choose a topic

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133380957


This week you will start the initial steps of choosing a topic of interest within your field that you might want to explore for your Advocacy Letter Project. You don't have to keep this topic; this is just a place to start. We will continue to refine your topic over the next couple of weeks.


Using skills and knowledge from Reading 7 and Discussion 7, choose a potential topic in your field/major for your Advocacy Letter Project. If you have no ideas in mind, use one of the seven topic generation suggestions from the "From Topics to Questions" chapter you read this week (scroll to the bottom of this post to view). You do not have to use all seven suggestions! Use whatever is helpful; leave the rest.

After you have selected a tentative topic, fill in the blanks for question 1 and respond to questions 2-7 based on the five criteria for writing a research question from your Insider's Guide reading this week. For questions 2-7, respond in full sentences. Save your responses in a Word document, and submit it here for grading. Your entire response must total between 200-400 words. This assignment is worth 10 points and will be graded using the attached rubric.

I am working on the topic of ________________________________because I want to find out __________________________________in order to help my reader understand ___________________________________________.
What is your tentative research question?
Why do you care about this issue? (personal interest)
How do you know if this topic debatable? (debatable)
How will you find published evidence to support a position on this issue? (researchable)
Is the scope of this topic researchable in the next seven weeks? How will you be able to focus your research into a 5-6 page paper? (feasible)
How will your research into this topic contribute to the ongoing conversation about this issue? (contribution)

Topic Generation Suggestions (Use one or none--whatever you need!)

Browse through a textbook of a course that is one level beyond yours or a course that you know you will have to take. Look especially hard at the study questions.
Attend a lecture for an advanced class in your field, and listen for something you disagree with, don't understand, or want to know more about.
Ask an instructor from your discipline about the most contested issues in your field.
Find an Internet discussion forum in your field. Browse its archives, looking for matters of controversy or uncertainty.
Surf the websites of departments at GMU or other major universities, including class sites. Also check sites of museums, national associations, and government agencies, if they seem relevant.
Look for questions that other researchers ask but don't answer. Many journal articles end with a paragraph or two about open questions, ideas for more research, and so on. You might not be able to do all the research they suggest, but you might carve out a piece of it.
You can also look for Internet discussions on your topic, then "lurk," just reading the exchanges to understand the kinds of questions those on the list debate. Record questions that spark your interest. (If you can't find these major-specific discussions using a search engine, ask a professor in your field, a subject librarian, or visit the website of professional organizations in your field.)

1. Create a thread, following the instructions below, no later than Thursday (3/9) at 11:59 p.m.
Describe a time when you had to choose a topic for a research writing project. What specific difficulties did you encounter--either in choosing the topic or sticking with the topic throughout the research process? Be specific.
If you've never had to choose a topic for a research writing project, describe the concerns or roadblocks you have now (you might start Assignment 7 before responding to discover your frustrations!)

Reference no: EM133380957

Questions Cloud

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What source should provide is services or products : What source should provide IS services/products and how and where should they be provided? Explain your answer.
Write a brief description of renovation and flipping homes : Write a brief description of renovation and flipping homes. Be sure to include a name for the business and a description of what it is/does and why it's meaning
Describe a time when you had to choose a topic : James Madison University Describe a time when you had to choose a topic for a research writing project. What specific difficulties did you encounter--either
List the 5 elements of the model : You plan to use the Big 5 Personality Model to interview for a key management position supervising 20 employees. List the 5 elements of the model and write
Massachusetts way and the corruption of liberty : What are the Founders' thoughts on how religion is related to virtue and morality, liberty, and the American Republic? I need help in explaining.
How to negotiate an agreement : If unions have negotiated unreasonable agreements, what responsibility does management or the administration bear for agreeing to these terms?
What do you think of larissa approach of working with : What do you think of Larissa's approach of working with her assistant? Would the 'Monday morning meetings' work in other environments? Why or why not?


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