Describe a time line for implementation and main tasks

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131318263 , Length: 16

This checklist should help you ensure you include every area necessary for a thorough plan. Note that just inclusion of a topic will not necessarily lead to a good grade. Evaluation of each area is based on your clarity and quality of your information and your discussion of that information.


REVISED 16 pages max- situation analysis (use the feedback from grader, and your own improvements). YOU MUST make the appropriate changes or 2x points will be deducted!


Maximum 2 additional pages for Product section; add the charts & graphs to the appendixes

Points of difference of your new/revised product or service

Unique product quality, attributes and benefits to target market

Consider the potential impact on other products in the portfolio


Maximum 2 pages; add the charts & graphs to the appendixes

Pricing Strategy

Specific Price for the new/revised product/service

Demonstrate pricing is consistent with company brand equity & product's positioning


Maximum 5 pages; add the charts & graphs to the appendixes

Choose a combination of promotion mix elements and explain WHY they are appropriate

Provide detailed information (costs, timing, expected reach, etc.) about the message conveyed via EACH ELEMENT CHOSEN

Describe how the promotion mix is integrated: all elements reinforcing each other (consistency & complementarity)


Maximum 2 pages; add the charts & graphs to the appendixes

Describe your recommended distribution strategy; show its consistency with target market

Demonstrate distribution is consistent with product positioning


Maximum 1 page; add the charts & graphs to the appendixes

Describe a time line for implementation and main tasks and evaluation method

Gantt Chart showing the implementation plan (In the appendixes)


Maximum 2 pages; add the charts & graphs to the appendixes

Two-page, double space, executive summary is given at beginning

Summarizes the whole document CLEARLY AND CONCISELY


Does not exceed the page limits

(30 pages excluding cover page, table of contents, executive summary, references page and appendixes)
Pages have numbers (Page X of Y format)

Appropriate 12 point font size, double-spaced, one-inch margins

MUST CITE ALL INFORMATION (otherwise = plagiarism!)

Provide a reference section at the end of the paper in correct style/format

Edit/proofread and use correct Spelling and Grammar

Use tables/charts/graphs effectively to present information

Use an appropriate tone and write clearly

Reference no: EM131318263

Questions Cloud

Estimate the film transfer coefficient : If the pellet diameter decreases from 1.0 to 0.5 cm, the total mass transfer rate, We will change by what factor?
Levered beta revised capital structure : Assume the company's current ROE is 10.0%, its tax rate is 35.0%, the risk free rate and equity risk premium are currently 4.0% and 6.5%, respectively. What would its levered beta be if this revised capital structure were adopted?
Risk free rate and equity risk premium : Assume the company's current ROE is 10.0%, its tax rate is 35.0%, the risk free rate and equity risk premium are currently 4.0% and 6.5%, respectively. What would its levered beta be if this revised capital structure were adopted?
Current value of operations : A company forecasts free cash flow next year to be $4 million, $8 million in two years, and $12 million in 3 years. Thereafter, free cash flow is projected to grow at a constant rate of 3% per year forever. If the overall cost of capital is 15%, w..
Describe a time line for implementation and main tasks : Choose a combination of promotion mix elements and explain WHY they are appropriate.Provide detailed information (costs, timing, expected reach, etc.) about the message conveyed via EACH ELEMENT CHOSEN.Describe how the promotion mix is integrated: al..
What is the current value of bond : Due to recent bad press, a major healthcare company has experienced a market reevaluation. The firm has a $1,000 bond issue outstanding with 15 years to maturity and a coupon rate of 8%, with interest paid semiannually. The required nominal rate o..
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Explain the significance of the issue opportunity or problem : Describe the selected issue, opportunity, or problem facing the organization. Discuss the significance of the issue, opportunity, or problem.
Create a correlation matrix of association : 7103HEAPSY - Describe the outcome of your analysis of assumptions and evidence conclusions reached by descriptive interpretation of graphical and numerical information


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