Describe a social determinant of health that impacts

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Reference no: EM131155057

Application: Part Three: Socio-Ecological Assessment

A socio-ecological assessment can be used as a tool to help health professionals' research individual or environmental factors as they relate to health disparities. Furthermore, socio-ecological assessments may assist in the development of evidence for those social determinants that impact specific health issues. This model can be used to determine what level(s) an intervention should focus on to improve health outcomes.
For this Assignment, use the same population and health issue that you selected for your Application in Week 7. Review the table template in the Learning Resources for this week and consider how the template might apply to your specific population and health issue.

The Assignment (3 pages)

• Use the population and health issue you selected in Week 7 to complete the Socio-Ecological Model Table by.

o Describing a social determinant of health that impacts the health issue you selected.
o Proposing an intervention based on one level of the SEM. Be specific and provide examples.

Note: You will submit the entire Assignment by completing the Socio-Ecological Model Table worksheet.

Submit your Assignment

Support your work with specific citations from this week's Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources as appropriate. Refer to the Essential Guide to APA Style for Walden Students to ensure that your in-text citations and reference list are correct.

Reference no: EM131155057

Questions Cloud

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To conduct a voltage clamp experiment : Explain whether the following circuit allows the investigator to conduct a voltage clamp experiment. The unmyelinated axon is sealed at both ends. A silver wire is inserted inside the axon that eliminates Ra. Clearly state any assumptions.
Marketed through the same outlets or channels : A group of products within a product class that are closely related because they perform a similar function, are sold to the same customer groups, are marketed through the same outlets or channels, or fall within given price ranges is known as a ..
Describe a social determinant of health that impacts : Describing a social determinant of health that impacts the health issue you selected. Proposing an intervention based on one level of the SEM. Be specific and provide examples.
Define physical evidence : Define physical evidence. Using the library, Internet, or any other available materials, research the types of physical evidence that can be obtained by criminalists at the crime scene at the Turn-a-Round Lounge and identify the section(s) of a fo..
Advantages and disadvantages for the us : China is included in FTAAP-21 but is not included in the TPP. What are the advantages and disadvantages for the U.S. of having China in the same trade agreement? Discuss.
Countries to further develop their economies : Do you think that free trade agreements are necessary for countries to further develop their economies? If so, why?
Choice of promotional mix elements : 1. Explain your choice of promotional mix elements and why given the nature of the product and new brand name; 2. The stage in the product life cycle; 3. Target market characteristics;


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