Describe a simple greedy algorithm

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Reference no: EM13812168

Question 1: Describe a simple greedy algorithm that computes a 2-approximation of the optimal schedule. In other words, if T* is the smallest possible makespan achievable for the given set of jobs using k processors, then the schedule produced by your algorithm should have a makespan of at most 2T*. Your algorithm should run in O(kn) time. Prove that the schedule produced by your algorithm has makespan at most 2T*. To do so, you will probably want to use two properties the minimum makespan T* must obviously satisfy:

  • T* ≥ 1/k Σ Pki=1 ti. (The processor doing the most amount of work must do at least a 1/k fraction of the total amount of work.)
  • T* ≥ max{t1, t2,..., tn}. (The longest job needs to run on some processor Pj, so this processor finishes no earlier than the time it takes to complete this job.)

You should then prove that the schedule produced by your algorithm has makespan at most 1/k Σki=1 ti +max{t1, t2, ..., tn}.

Question 2:  Describe a modification of the above greedy algorithm that computes an optimal schedule, that is, one with the smallest possible makespan, provided the given set of jobs satisfies the following condition: Let t1, t2,..., tn once again be the predicted amounts of time it takes to run jobs J1, J2,..., Jn, and let t* = min{t1, t2, ..., tn}. You may assume that t* = 1. Then, for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n, ti is a power of 2. Your algorithm should run in O(n lg n + kn) time. Prove that it produces an optimal schedule.

Reference no: EM13812168

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