Describe a retail business with which you are familiar

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM131503847

Discussion 1: Supply Chain Management

• From the e-Activity, determine which best practices can be applied to the greatest number of small businesses. Explain your rationale.

• Analyze the principles of Total Quality Management (TQM) and Six Sigma in regard to quality control of a product or service, and make at least one recommendation for improvement. Explain your rationale.

Discussion 2: Managing Inventory

• Describe a retail business with which you are familiar and determine the most suitable means of inventory control. Provide specific examples to support your response.

• For the same business, discuss what innovative steps you could take to deter employee theft and/or shoplifting.

Reference no: EM131503847

Questions Cloud

Tools used between business strategy and hr strategy : There are three conceptual tools used between business strategy and HR strategy. What are these tools and how can they be used?
International human resource management analysis : List and describe the three levels of international human resource management analysis of potential risk from terrorists?
Project communication plan : You created a Project Budget in Unit IV for building a five-bedroom home in Ashburn, VA. In Unit V, you created a Project Schedule for that same project.
Federal government and a personal negotiation : Compare the fundamental differences between negotiating contracts with the federal government and a personal negotiation in which one is purchasing a new home.
Describe a retail business with which you are familiar : Describe a retail business with which you are familiar and determine most suitable means of inventory control. Provide specific example to support your respons.
Building and using models : Imagine that you are a business manager for a mid-sized company. Propose one (1) overall strategy to build an effective business.
Define a unit normal vector to the plane of rotation : Determine a vector u^ that lies in the plane of rotation, that is both orthogonal to n^ and parallel to the ground plane of the world.
Conformance with legal requirements : Explain how - while they may be in conformance with legal requirements - they may not be behaving ethically based upon your definition of ethics.
Prepare research proposal on uses big data of wine logistic : Literature review on uses big data of wine logistics and Now I want to make two more parts research proposal (1500-2000) and reflective paper


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