Describe a physical facility associated with your company

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131561901

Marketing Plan: Part III

Throughout this course, you have been compiling a comprehensive marketing plan using one of the product/service scenarios listed in the Unit II assignment. (Note: You should have been using the same scenario for Parts I-III.)

This unit's submission should consist of the items listed below.

1. Product

a. This section of the marketing plan should include a description of the products and services offered to the consumer. Remember that this product section should also identify services, warranties, and installation features. Additionally, brand, logo, and other identifying characteristics should be discussed in this section as they encompass part of the product offering.

b. Examine whether your company has a competitive advantage relative to its product offering (i.e., only address the product here).

2. Place

a. This section of the marketing plan should explain the entire distribution channel (see Unit VII Lesson). As a reminder, this is the flow of the product from the manufacturer or creator of the product/service to the final consumer (the entire process-not just the retailer at the end of the process).

Describe a physical facility associated with your company. This can be a unique manufacturing or distribution center, retailer, or even a merchandising technique. The idea here is to describe what it looks like to the consumer and the value that this atmosphere brings to the buying experience.

b. Examine whether your company has a competitive advantage relative to its place offering (i.e., only address place or distribution here).

3. Price

a. This section of the marketing plan should describe the pricing strategies used by your company. Include theoretical aspects of pricing (see Unit VII Lesson) in your discussion here.

b. Examine whether your company has a competitive advantage relative to its pricing strategies (i.e., only address pricing here).

4. Promotion

a. This section of the marketing plan should address the promotional methods used by your company. This should not only include social media/Internet marketing but also traditional marketing and advertising used (e.g., personal selling, advertising, sales promotion, publicity).

b. Examine whether your company has a competitive advantage relative to its promotional strategies (i.e., only address promotion here).

The format of the submission should be in essay format using subheadings. Use APA format. Additionally, you need to include a minimum of five sources, three of which must be peer-reviewed, academic sources that are no more than 5 years old. The submission should be a minimum of three pages in length (not counting the title and reference pages)

DQ Question

During this course, you have compiled a marketing plan for your fictional start-up company.

Share with your fellow classmates the most important part of the marketing plan, and include an explanation of your company and product/service, situation analysis, and the application to the four Ps (marketing mix).

Attachment:- Marketing plan essay.rar

Reference no: EM131561901

Questions Cloud

Compute contribution margin ratio and margin of safety ratio : Compute the contribution margin ratio and the margin of safety ratio. Determine the sales dollars required to earn net income of $624,000.
Explain the concept of a business : Explain the concept of a business and the importance of a strategic mission.Discuss the concept of a business.
What are the negative implications of participatory media : What are some of the negative implications of participatory media? Provide specific examples and cases
Derive formula surface area - hemispherical volume of radius : Derive a formula for the total surface area of a hemispherical volume of radius (curved surface and flat surface).
Describe a physical facility associated with your company : Examine whether your company has a competitive advantage relative to its product offering (i.e., only address the product here).
Interpretive analysis of poem-i heard a fly buzz-when i died : Compose a 5-7 page, research-based, interpretive analysis of at least two major poems by American poet Emily Dickinson
Find ratio of the volume of the cylinder to that of the cone : The radius of a cylinder is twice as long as the radius of a cone, and the height of the cylinder is half as long as the height of the cone.
Find the area of the cross section of the channel : Soundings taken across a river channel give the following depths with the corresponding distances from one shore.
How much of your work life is spent in communication : How much of your work life is spent in communication and collaboration by use of technology? What forms of technology do you use to hold meetings


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