Describe a leadership strategy in terms of project team

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131163110

Assignment Description

Weekly tasks or assignments (Individual or Group Projects) will be due by Monday, and late submissions will be assigned a late penalty in accordance with the late penalty policy found in the syllabus. NOTE: All submission posting times are based on midnight Central Time.

Key Assignment

In the previous weeks, you explored communication, leadership, motivation, conflict management, and consensus. In Week 1, you assessed your own strengths and weaknesses both in your leadership style and your communications style to further develop the weak areas and take advantage of your strengths. In Week 2, you looked at several theories around motivation and selected the ones that are most appropriate for motivating your project team. In Week 3, you analyzed the causes and types of conflicts and stress that could exist for this project team. In Week 4, you used this knowledge to develop a conflict-management strategy as well as determining a method for a consensus decision making approach.

In this Week, you will be using all of the information you have learned about yourself, the project team, and the organization as a whole to deliver transparent project communications. You will also finalize the project leadership strategy you will utilize for the political organization challenges, preparing the stakeholders for change, and leading your project team as high performance contributors.

The overall project deliverables are as follows:

Update the previously completed sections based on your instructor's feedback.

Create the following sections:

Communications Plan

Prepare a plan for overall project management communications with project sponsors including frequency and types of reports.

Prepare a plan for overall project management communications with project stakeholders including frequency and types of reports.

Prepare a plan for overall project management communications with the project team, both formal and informal.

Identify any other organization members that you will need to communicate with and how you would approach them, such as those asking for changes.

Project Leadership Strategy

Describe a leadership strategy and challenges in terms of the organization as a whole and any politics that may exist.

Describe a leadership strategy in terms of project team and developing them into a high-performance team.

Describe a leadership strategy in terms of preparing project stakeholders for the change brought about by the delivery of the selected project.

Update the Key Assignment title page with a new date and project name.

Be sure to update your table of contents before submission.

Reference no: EM131163110

Questions Cloud

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Describe a leadership strategy in terms of project team : Describe a leadership strategy in terms of project team and developing them into a high-performance team. Describe a leadership strategy in terms of preparing project stakeholders for the change brought about by the delivery of the selected project..
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Why do businesses need information technology : How could you effectively use the information to give your firm a competitive advantage over the competition?
Health law and ethics the question : How can a person sort through a conflict created when the four ethical principles each focus on a different and conflicting action?
What are the benefits of emotion in negotiation : Does emotion delay the negotiation process, or prevents parties from reaching an agreement? Why or why not? As a negotiator, what are the benefits of emotion in negotiation


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