Describe a health concern or service in your community

Assignment Help Custom Essay
Reference no: EM131941520

Reflect on the content from this course and consider the health issues present in your community.

1. Describe a health concern or service in your community that needs improved social marketing.

2. What recommendations do you have to improve the social marketing related to this health concern or service?

3. How could improved social marketing address this issue?

Directions for completing discussion

- Initial post (due by day four of the week in which the discussion is due): Write a response to the question posed in approximately 400 words. (Assignments significantly under or over the word limit may be penalized.)

- Peer responses (due by day seven of the week in which the discussion is due): Review and respond to the initial posts of at least two of your classmates. Compare and contrast your response with that of your classmate. Pose follow up questions. Provide constructive comments and feedback on what your classmate wrote. Each of your peer responses should be at least 200 words long.

- Marks will be awarded for a logical approach as well as accurate content.

- Please see the grading rubric to see how it will be graded and for score allotments. All assignments will only be evaluated using the grading rubric. All grades on Blackboard are final.

- Participate in the discussion for the associated module in Blackboard. No other submission method is acceptable.

- You are strongly encouraged to respond to classmates who respond to your initial post.

- You should use at least one scholarly source (peer-reviewed journal articles or reputable websites) in addition to the course readings. References should be less than seven years old. Sources like newspapers, Wikipedia, and lay websites are unacceptable for use as a reference. Please cite your sources correctly in APA style.

Verified Expert

The assignment deals with importance of social media marketing with reference to smoking. Each open door you need to syndicate our substance and increment our perceivability is profitable. Our web-based social networking systems are simply new channels for our image's voice and substance. This is critical on the grounds that it all the while makes you less demanding and more open for new clients, and makes you more natural and unmistakable for existing clients. For instance, a successive Twitter client could catch wind of our organization out of the blue simply subsequent to unearthing it in a news feed. Or on the other hand, a generally unconcerned client may turn out to be better familiar with our image in the wake of seeing our quality on numerous systems.

Reference no: EM131941520

Questions Cloud

Write review of the article- transformational leadership : Write a page review of the article- Transformational leadership or the iron cage: Which predicts trust, commitment and team efficacy?.
Healthcare policy issue discussion : How do the views of non-healthcare professionals (legislators or policymakers) contribute to the healthcare policy issue discussion?
Importance of change management : Develop an argument to your manager on the importance of change management.
Challenge nurse advocates seeking change : Considering the many factors that contribute to the change process, what are the most consistent factors that challenge nurse advocates seeking change?
Describe a health concern or service in your community : Describe a health concern or service in your community that needs improved social marketing and How could improved social marketing address this issue
What is the aftertax cost of debt in given case : Bargeron Corporation has a target capital structure of 64 percent common stock, 9 percent preferred stock, and 27 percent debt.
What were the reasons for arshads disillusionment : While she was efficient at what she did and extremely intelligent, she had neither the time nor the inclination to groom her subordinates.
Calculate the amount of the annual sales : Banner Co. currently sells 28,200 cars per year at $42,300 each, and 11,280 luxury cars per year at $79,900 each. The company wants to introduce a new sports.
Find the amount of each retirement payment : Bartholomew plans to retire in 6 years from today with $600,000 in his retirement account, which has an annual return of 3.4 percent.



12/6/2018 2:53:42 AM

It a discussion board so don't use too many references only one or two. I wanted it in a format like the attach file below. 7784_1Chp 35 Module 10.docx. I know very well that the masters and professors associated with your online portal are the best in the world since they have completed their degrees from the leading universities all across the globe.


4/14/2018 1:27:49 AM

5. While discussions are not formal papers, you should still write appropriately and professionally when communicating with your classmates/colleagues. Please write in complete sentences and use proper grammar and spelling. 6. You must include a correct in-text citation for all information quoted or paraphrased from other sources and place the complete citation of any works used in the writing of your at the bottom of your post in a References section. 7. This is not a course to write summaries of other people's work. This is a course where you must demonstrate the ability to think critically and to apply models and theories to real world situations.


4/14/2018 1:27:38 AM

Guidelines for submitting discussions 1. You must create your initial post first. After you create your initial post, you will be able to view the posts of your classmates. 2. You are encouraged to type your responses first in a word processing program and then copy and paste them into the text box for the discussion. Do not upload a document as your response. If you have questions about the discussion, please do not wait until the day before it is due to contact me.

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