Reference no: EM13856905
For this assignment, you will first identify and describe a current or anticipated problem in a business or industry in which you have worked in the past, or a business or industry you hope to join after graduation. You will then propose a thoughtful, persuasive solution to that problem. You will present the problem and solution in the form of a white paper.
Your white paper should be 3-5 double-spaced pages (minimum of 3 full pages) with 12-point font and 1-inch margins. The title page and works cited page do not count toward the length requirement. You should organize your white paper carefully and use clear, specific headings so that busy readers can scan the document effectively. The white paper is worth 200 points towards your final grade.
Prior to submitting your white paper final draft, you will complete two prewriting assignments. The first is a short list of problems (worth 10 points), one of which you will select as the topic for your white paper. The second is a prospectus (worth 20 points) for the topic you have selected. See the attached instructions on how to compose each of these assignments.
Format and Contents
Your white paper must contain all of the following parts:
1. Title Page: This page should include a descriptive title (not "White Paper"), your name, and the date.
2. Introduction/Summary: This section should provide a brief overview of the problem you have identified and the solution you will propose. It should be a preview of the information contained in each section of your paper. This helps busy readers quickly grasp the main point and easily navigate the document. Remember, the introduction is just a preview; it should be precise and clear, but it should save specific details for later sections.
3. Problem/Background: This section should clearly and firmly state the current or anticipated problem you have identified. Be sure to explain the significance of the problem and its consequences-why is this issue important?
After stating the problem, you need to provide background information about it to help readers make their decision based on a clear understanding of the facts. You also need to demonstrate your own expertise on the subject so that readers will perceive your solution as credible. Explain what is known about the problem and what caused it. Explain the consequences of the problem. Describe what is likely to happen if nothing is done. Describe previous attempts to solve the problem and explain why they were not successful.
Specific evidence is very important in this section, and you will need to do research. If you haven't actually worked for the business or industry you are writing about, you will need to do the background research necessary to identify a current or anticipated problem, and then to pose a sound solution. Even if you are or have been employed at the business or industry in question, you will need to demonstrate a familiarity with the details, statistics, data, etc. that are relevant to your argument. Provide examples of the problem's negative impacts. When possible, use numbers, statistics, and/or concrete facts:
How much revenue has been lost? How many work hours have been wasted? How have public relations been damaged? How has customer satisfaction been decreased? Make sure to properly cite your sources for this information using MLA in-text citations. Also, make sure your evidence is appropriate to your argument-don't identify a problem that you witnessed once at a single McDonald's restaurant and try to claim that it is a problem that constantly plagues the entire fast food industry (unless you have concrete facts to support such a claim).
4. Solution: This section should propose and defend your solution to the problem. Again, be specific. Why is this the best solution? What steps will be required to implement it? How will it improve the situation? How will people be able to judge, measure, and evaluate its effectiveness? You should acknowledge any drawbacks to your recommended solution and address any objections your readers might have.
5. Conclusion: This section should briefly wrap up your paper by summarizing the main arguments and making a final, firm case for your solution. You should avoid repeating phrases and sentences from earlier in your paper. Find an original, succinct way to sum up your argument.
6. Works Cited: At the end of your paper, make sure to include a list of all the sources you used when writing the paper (you must use at least three sources). Remember, you need to cite a source even if you don't quote directly from that source-sources that you paraphrase or take data from must also be cited. Use MLA format for both your works cited page and your in-text citations. For information on MLA format, see pgs. 162-68 of Business Writer's Handbook.
7. Visuals: You may use visuals (such as charts, tables, and graphs) in your white paper, but you are not required to do so. If you do use visuals, make sure they are easy to interpret, professional in appearance, clearly captioned, and relevant-don't use visuals simply to fill space.
I will grade your paper according to both mechanics and content. I'll ask myself some of the following questions: Is the paper well-organized, well-formatted, and easy to navigate? Does the author demonstrate a clear understanding of the business or industry and its needs? Does the author demonstrate a clear understanding of the problem and its context? Is the solution reasonable and persuasive? Does the author support his/her claims with sensible reasons and valuable evidence? Is the writing clear of grammatical problems and spelling errors? Are the sources credible and cited clearly in the text? Is the works cited page complete, accurate, and properly formatted?
Prospectus (20 points): Due in class Wednesday, October 21
After you select your problem, you will compose a 200-250 word prospectus in which you describe your plans for your white paper. (The word prospectus has different meanings in different fields, but when applied to an academic paper it typically refers to a summary proposal of the research you plan to undertake.) Briefly explain: 1) the problem you have identified, 2) the kind of solution you might propose, and 3) how this problem relates to your own professional interests and/or experiences. For example:
I would like to write my white paper on the effect the rise of food allergies has on the food service industry, in particular, how fast food franchises and chain restaurants are treating allergies. There seems to be a lack in acknowledgment of food allergies and how to deal with a customer who has allergies in lower cost restaurant franchises (Denny's and McDonald's for example). I will be discussing why this is a problem and how they can become more accommodating to people who have food allergies through specialized training. These food establishments tend to ignore and/or do the bare minimum for training in relation to food allergies because of added costs. I am going to try and formulate a plan for how these lower cost restaurants could do a better job of preparing their staff to handle customers who have food allergies with as little added cost as possible.
I have worked in the food service industry and had to deal with customers who had allergies with little training. I was surprised to find that this problem is more prevalent than I had originally thought, especially in restaurants that focus on lower cost. I feel that this problem is overlooked particularly in this part of the industry, so I would be able to write a meaningful solution to this problem for this particular part of the food service industry.
Your prospectus should outline the direction of your thoughts as you begin your research. While it's fine if your ideas change and develop as you write, you should not completely change your topic after submitting your prospectus.