Describe a conflict situation

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM133220305

Q 1) Considering the NMBA Standards for Practice that govern your nursing practice, how will you deal with the following situation? It is your first rotation as a New Graduate Nurse in the cardiac unit. You responded to a patient call. When entering the room one of your patients is short of breath and another patient who was diabetic was feeling lightheaded and sweating profusely. How would you handle this situation?

Q 2) Nurses must comply with Work Health and Safety Standards. Describe a conflict situation you have been involved in, in your undergraduate nursing practice or as a nursing student. What did you do? What was the outcome and what would you have done differently?

Q 3) The completion of your bachelor's degree is only the foundation of your development as a professional nurse. Ahead of you, there is a time of lifelong learning and autonomy. After obtaining employment, what is your short-term (within the next 6 months to 1 year) and long-term (within 2-5 years) career plan and commitment to professional development?

Reference no: EM133220305

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