Derive the likelihood ratio test statistic for testing

Assignment Help Advanced Statistics
Reference no: EM132889805

Question: Two independent random samples X1,......Xn and Y1......Ym follow Poisson distributions: Xi ~ Poi(λ) and Y ~ Poi(Yλ), where λ ≥ 0 and Y ≥ 0 are two unknown parameters. Suppose we wish to test the hypothesis

Ho : λ = λ0,Y Y = Y0 v.s. H1 : not H0,

where λ0 and Y9 are given values. Let l(λ, Y) denote the log-likelihood function from these two samples.

(a) Show that the log-likelihood function is given by

l(λ, Y) = -nλ - mYλ + log λ (∑i=1nXi + ∑j=1mYj;) + log Y ∑j=1mYj

(b) Hence show that the maximum likelihood estimators of λ and Y are

^λ = ∑i=1nXi/n

^y = ∑j=1mYj/m;/∑i=1nXi/n

(c) Derive the likelihood ratio test statistic for testing this hypothesis.

(d) Specify the rejection region given by the likelihood ratio test.

Reference no: EM132889805

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