Derive the equation for the demand curve

Assignment Help Econometrics
Reference no: EM1376310

Assume that the John Smith, the manager of marketing division of Chevrolet at GM, estimated the following regression equation for Chevrolet automobiles:

Qc=100,000 - 100 Pc + 2,000N + 50I + 30Pf - 1,000 Pg + 3A + 40,000P1

Where Qc= quantity demanded per year of Chevrolet automobiles
Pc= Price of Chev. automobiles in dollars
N= population of the USA in millions
I= per capita disposable income in dollars
Pf= price of Ford automobiles in dollars
Pg= real price of gasoline in cents per gallon
A= advertising expenditures by Chevrolet in dollars per year
P1= credit incentives to purchase Chevrolets, in percentage points below the rate of interest on borrowing in the absence of incentives

(i) Indicate the change in the number of Chevrolets purchased per year (Qc) for each unit change in the independent or explanatory variable

(ii) Find the value of Qc if the average value of Pc=$9000 , N=200 million , I=$10,000 , Pf=1 , Pg=80 cents , A=$200,000 and if P1=1

(iii) Derive the equation for the demand curve for Chevrolet

(iv) Plot the demand curve


Reference no: EM1376310

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